The best books for starting and growing a blog fast!

Blogging is a serious business. It has the potential to give you the financial freedom you seek and the lifestyle you deserve. However, it takes time and effort, as well as education and training.

Luckily, there are tons of resources out there to help you become a professional blogger that makes more than enough money from your own profitable piece of digital real estate.

But how do you know where to start? We’ve compiled the 10 best books to help you learn how to make money from your blog. These books have tips, advice, strategies, secrets, and insight from bloggers who have made it in the blogging business.

Browse through these great books and decide which one or ones are right for your needs. They’re a great starting point if you’re a beginner blogger, but they also have valuable information if you’re a seasoned blogger who is looking to continue to learn.

Best Books for Making Money Blogging

Make Money Blogging: Proven Strategies to Make Money Online while You Work from Home by Joseph Hogue

Make Money Blogging is as practical and straightforward as it gets. Joseph shares everything he’s learned after years of building highly profitable blogs that allowed him to quit his job and become a successful full-time blogger.

This guide is 100% dedicated to giving you the tools that make money on websites. You’ll find proven strategies and actions including a one-year strategy for developing different income sources on your blog, from the immediate payoffs to the methods that make thousands a month.

The most valuable sources this book include:

  • A complete sales funnel used by a blogger to sell his $1,000 courses and make between $30,000 to $70,000 every single month.
  • Self-publishing strategy to help you make more profit from your content.
  • Nine proven strategies to boost your blog income.

Joseph’s Make Money Blogging is the ultimate guide to help you build a strategy that’ll make your blog profitable. If you read the book and put in the work, you’ll be well on your way to earning more than you ever thought.

Make Money From Blogging: How To Start A Blog While Raising A Family (Make Money From Home) by Sally Miller

Make Money From Blogging is a comprehensive guide to help you build a blog that’ll become profitable enough to become your full-time gig. The authors and the bloggers featured in the book earn all the way from 4- to 7- figures a year from their blogs, and you can learn their strategies to help you get there if you do your due diligence.

Beginner and advanced bloggers will find useful tools that’ll help boost your blogging careers with tips and instructions that include:

  • How to find your blogging niche.
  • How to make that niche topic profitable and exciting.
  • How to set-up a blog for less than $100 with no technical skills.
  • How to create readable and loveable content.
  • Six strategies to earn monetize your blog.
  • How to market your blog.

If you love to write and are serious about committing the time and effort to a blog, this guide will help you make better decisions. It’s easy to read and understand even if you’re not very technically savvy.

Best Books to Grow Blog Traffic

Google SEO for Bloggers: Easy Search Engine Optimization and Website Marketing for Google Love by Joseph Hogue

Joseph shares his process he’s perfected over the years to optimize his blog. By using this process he’s doubled his monthly income. His SEO strategy and link building process are set out in a clear and easy to understand way so that even beginner bloggers can put them into practice.

The process is comprehensive enough to be applicable not only for blogs but also for ecommerce sites and consulting businesses that want to learn how to rank on Google to bring search traffic. The book encompasses a full range of steps to build a strategy to help you rank on Google, including:

  • 8 SEO Strategies for Eye-Popping Search Traffic.
  • How to make money from Google search traffic and how to get the right visitors.
  • 126 easy links you can get that boost traffic and search rankings.
  • How to tell if you can rank on Google’s first page.
  • An SEO trick to triple your traffic.

Joseph even offers you a 100% money-back guarantee if his book doesn’t help you boost your traffic. This practical guide will really work if you follow the steps and are diligent about your blogging strategy.

Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community  by Joy Deangdeelert Cho

Making your blog stand out among the thousands of blogs published every day is hard work. Blog Inc. is aimed at giving you a leg up in the race. Joy Cho shares with you expert advice on how to start your blog and make it grow. It includes step-by-step guides on everything you need, from design to finance and much more, including:

  • Expert interviews.
  • How to choose the right platform.
  • How to attract a fan base, develop a voice, and leverage your social network.
  • How to finance your blog and maintain work/life balance.
  • How to manage comments.
  • How to find content inspiration, overcome blogger’s block, and protect your work.
  • How to choose and set up ads, affiliate programs, and sponsors.

The steps and advice you’ll find in this book will definitely help you get a better understanding of how to build a community through your blog that will allow you to make a profit and become a full-time blogger.

Best Books to Start a Blog

How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job and How You Can Start A Blog Today by Bob Lotich

After getting laid off, Bob Lotich became a full-time blogger and started earning more than he ever had before less than a year later. This book is a comprehensive guide built from his experience in building a successful blog.

How To Make Money Blogging covers all the steps you need to take in order to make money from your blog. It’s a very useful tool for beginner bloggers, but it also contains valuable information for those bloggers who have experience but want to keep learning.

As with all good blogging books, you won’t find a get-rich-quick here, but you’ll get practical advice and steps to help you get going and succeed, including: 

  • 4 Steps to Start Blogging in 10 minutes.
  • Blogging Basics and how to set up a Self-Hosted Blog.
  • 3 primary ways to earn from your blog.
  • How to get traffic and how long will it take to make money from your blog?
  • SEO Tips for bloggers

Bob also shares 10 helpful tools that will make your blogging dream more achievable if you apply them diligently. The book is an easy read and its practical advice makes it a valuable investment to make.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse

This is probably one of the clearest books about how you can earn money from your blog. The authors are two of the world’s most successful bloggers, so you can trust the tools they provide work.

The latest edition of the book is updated to give you all the info you need to leverage all the tools that are available to boost your blogging business to the next level, including new material on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

This is a great book to learn how to grow your audience and expand your business beyond your blog. You’ll find practical steps that’ll help you:

  • Choose a topic, analyze the market, set up a blog, promote it, and earn revenue.
  • Apply techniques and tools to succeed in building a business from your blog.
  • Learn how to write a successful blog post.
  • Learn how to take advantage of social media and content aggregators
  • How to optimize your advertising.

Investing in this book is going to get you solid instructions and steps to actually make money blogging by attracting and growing an audience and find new business opportunities beyond your blog.

How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup

How To Blog For Profit is an easy to understand step-by-step guide to create and grow a successful blog that yields profits. The language used by the author is going to be helpful whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced blogger.

The book is witty and finds a fun way to transmit advice and tips in an authentic way. The latest edition of the book is updated for the latest developments in the industry so you can harness the power of every tool available.

Based on her own experience and what she’s learned about other bloggers along the way, Ruth’s book is going to help you:

  • Learn compelling content to attract your own loyal customers.
  • Grow your audience faster.
  • Gain a clear understanding of how to monetize your blog.
  • Improve your productivity.

This guide gives you an inside look on what the most successful bloggers and online business owners are doing so that you can apply those methods to your online piece of real estate so it can grow into a profitable business. 

Blogging: Getting To $2,000 A Month In 90 Days by Isaac Kronenberg

Isaac does a great job sharing the most effective blogging techniques used by top-earning bloggers to help you build a monetization strategy for your blog that is above and beyond what you’d expect. If you are consistent and put in the effort, these strategies will actually work and you might even get to a $2,000 a month blog in 90 days.

Written in a language that’s easy enough for beginners but advanced enough for experienced bloggers, Blogging is a fantastic tool to take you from nothing to earning a full-time income from your blog.

The Essential Habits Of 6-Figure Bloggers: Secrets of 17 Successful Bloggers You Can Use to Build a Six-Figure Online by Sally Miller

Sally interviewed and conducted in-depth research on 17 seven-figure bloggers and compiled their secrets and habits to succeed in this fun and easy to read guide. Although no two bloggers earn money the same way, you’ll learn about the common traits they share and that took them to be successful.

Among other tips and tricks, you’ll learn about the three essential habits of six-figure bloggers. These habits are aimed at helping you succeed in more than just blogging, you can apply them to any aspect of your life. 

This book is very helpful in getting you a framework of ideas to help you navigate through the mass of information, tools, and techniques and create your own version of success, whether it’s a blog or any other situation. Among other things, you’ll learn:

  • How to pick a blogging niche.
  • How to earn money from your blog.
  • How to use monetization techniques.
  • How to dream big and achieve your dream.

Get Rich Blogging by Zoe Griffin

Zoe does a great job of giving you the advice and steps to get you blogging and earning an income fast. With advice from the authors of the world’s most respected and financially successful blogs on fashion, music, film, men’s lifestyle, and women’s lifestyle, this book is one of the best tools to help you build your blogging business from the ground up.

Beginner bloggers will benefit from the easy to apply instructions to successfully create appealing content, choose the right web host, learn how to spread the word about your blog on social media, find out how to attract advertising, pitch to magazines and newspapers, and start building up that blogging income. All of this in a fun and entertaining way.

Making money blogging is possible. Depending on your level of commitment you can earn up to six or seven-figure incomes with your blog. Determine how much effort you’re willing to put into your new business and get going.

The books in this list are insightful and practical tools to help you learn from successful bloggers and their experience in building up money-earning empires from the comfort of their homes. As a blogger, you’ll soon realize that you need to constantly learn and stay up to date.

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