Real Estate

Mistakes When Calculating a Flip ARV

Flipping a house is full of uncertaintly. Common questions that can cause an investor anxiety are wether buyers will like it enough to put in an offer, how much will ... Read more

Real Estate Syndication Advice From John Casmon

I attended the Joe Fairless’ Best Ever Real Estate Meetup where the speaker was John Casmon. He discussed what he learned while scaling from 13 units 4 years ago to ... Read more

My Second Airbnb (The Before)

After a pretty successful launch of my first Airbnb, I am going to be working on my second one. I purchased this house 13 years ago for $101,000. I originally ... Read more

House Hacking Your Way to Financial Independence

In this article, I did some math on retiring on $60,000 a year. To retire, you needed to save up about 2.7 Million. Now let’s look at things differently. I ... Read more

Why The 2% Rule for Real Estate Doesn’t Matter

What is the 2% Rule? The 2% rule is a screening criteria for real estate that says the monthly income from rent should be at least 2% of the value ... Read more

How to Start a Real Estate Investment Group

Few investments have created as much legacy wealth as real estate, but few investors have the experience to know how to find the best properties. A real estate investment group ... Read more