ConvertKit Review: Best Email Marketing Solution for Your Website

Know how important email marketing is for your website and why you should integrate it with your business in this ConvertKit review.

ConvertKit has revolutionized my business life. I used to rely on Mailchimp for email marketing, but recently made the switch over to ConvertKit because the company offers so much more. I love the pricing plans, I love how easy it is to use, and I love the customer service. If you are looking for an email marketing solution, definitely read this ConvertKit review.

What is ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an email marketing platform that offers automation features along with beautiful templates and access to high quality widgets. The product was launched in 2013 by Nathan Barry, who is also well known as the author of three best-selling books. He started ConvertKit out of his own need for a better way to sell his online courses. And now he’s built one of the most successful SaaS businesses in niche at around $60,000 per month!

The biggest plus side of using Convert Kit rather than Mailchimp? Automation! I can choose when and what type of emails to send to my customers. And the automation feature lets you create a sequence of emails that get sent out in succession, based on certain actions your subscriber takes (or doesn’t).

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For example: If someone downloads an eBook from me, they might get a series of follow-up emails over the next week with tips and lessons to help them implement what they learned in their business or personal life. With ConvertKit, I can set this whole sequence up, customize it how I want, and then allow it to run automatically for any new person who downloads my free book. This is such a time saver since I don’t have to be constantly checking my email inbox for specific responses or to manually send emails. I can also monitor the performance of my email campaigns in real time.

ConvertKit even integrates with many popular email service providers, including Aweber, Mail Chimp, Get Response, iContact, and Mad Mimi. It’s possible to use ConvertKit without ever touching your email provider — just connect it directly to your favorite apps!

These are some of the features that keep me coming back for more:

  • Beautiful pre-made templates
  • Simple email editor with WYSIWYG HTML editing
  • Drag & drop design interface for quick customization
  • Detailed analytics reports in both visual and raw format.

And so much more! 

The quality is there too as ConvertKit includes a number of high-quality widgets that allow you to add things like opt-in forms, share buttons, rating systems, and more.

5 Favorite Features of ConvertKit

1. Beautiful pre-made templates

ConvertKit definitely has one of the best-looking email templates I’ve ever used. The templates are easy to personalize with things like your company logo, colors, and fonts.

2. Simple editor with WYSIWYG HTML editing

The editor works smoothly and the ConvertKit team has done a great job at building features that help you create emails without having to know any code or use any complicated formatting tricks. One example is their button feature which allows you to create attractive buttons that can be placed anywhere in your email template for optimum conversion potential.

3. Drag & drop design interface for quick customization

This feature lets me quickly customize my emails by dragging elements around to different places on my screen. This gets me excited to edit my email every time I open it up!

4. Detailed Analytics Reports

ConvertKit makes it easy to see both visual and raw data reports on your email campaigns, subscribers, etc. This allows you to quickly compare results so you can improve future emails.

5. Low price point for high value

ConvertKit offers a basic plan that includes everything an entry-level user would need for just $29 per month! They also have more advanced plans available if your business needs are more complex or substantial.

And of course, since ConvertKit integrates with many email service providers where you can easily switch back and forth between the two without any problems.

Overall, these are just some of our favorite features that ConvertKit has to offer; be sure to check out all of the details on their website for yourself!

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ConvertKit Review: Who is SaaS ConvertKit Suitable For?

Convert Kit caters towards bloggers, freelancers, digital marketers, and other professionals who need an advanced platform to help them automate their email campaigns. Although it’s possible to use ConvertKit for different types of businesses, the power automation features are most beneficial when used by people in the following niches:         

  • SEO consultants running PPC campaigns        
  • Digital marketers running a complex affiliate program        
  • Anyone selling to an eCommerce audience online or offline        
  • Content marketers looking to build their email lists        
  • Writers or bloggers driving traffic with quality content

ConvertKit also integrates with many other popular email delivery services, including Mail Chimp, AWeber, Get Response, iContact, and Mad Mimi. This makes it easy to switch back and forth between different providers as needed without any hassles.

Is ConvertKit Worth Your Money?

convertkit pricing

Yes, definitely! I’ve tried just about every email marketing provider out there and ConvertKit is definitely a favorite of mine.

At just $29 per month for the basic plan, ConvertKit offers a tremendous value at a reasonable price point. But don’t take my word for it – be sure to check out all of the features for yourself on their website by clicking here. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Aside from having so many useful features for running email campaigns, ConvertKit’s sleek design and functionality will help you build trust with your subscribers by sending professional emails that look good.

It offers one of the best free trials in the business so you can try things out for yourself before committing to a monthly plan. If you like what you see and need a low-cost, no-frills service for your email marketing needs, then give ConvertKit a try.

Special Offer – Get a 14 Day Free Trial to Try Out ConvertKit

ConvertKit has changed my business life for the better. Making the switch over was easy thanks to the team’s awesome customer service and the content they make on their site to help you with your own transition over. The automation features are a dream come true for me, as well as all of the other great things I’ve loved about ConvertKit since day 1! If you run an ecommerce business or even a blogger who wants to drive more conversions, this is a must-have tool that will be well worth your money.

With all of its features and capabilities, ConvertKit is definitely one of the best options in the email marketing space. It’s not only helped my business grow by making email automation more efficient, but it’s also provided me with better tools for analyzing and refining my emails to improve results. If you want to start creating beautiful email templates and automating your send times, I highly recommend giving ConvertKit a try!

Read the Entire Making Money with Your Website Series

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