I make over three grand a month on YouTube but found a way to make 300 dollars a day without making any videos. I had seen this side hustle used before but wasn’t sure it was even legal.

After a bit of research, what I found blew my mind!

I’m also going to share a way to hack Amazon deals for another side hustle that could mean thousands a month. Either of these strategies could mean passive income and financial freedom but put them together, and there’s no stopping you!

We’re building a massive community of people ready to beat debt, make more money and make their money work for them. So subscribe and join the community to create the financial future you deserve. It’s free, and you’ll never miss a video.

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How to Make Extra Money Everyday

For is the second side hustle series and came out of that income survey I talked about in the first video. There were people in our Let’s Talk Money community I knew I could help, people living on less than a couple grand a month, and I knew we could put a couple of videos out and turn that all around.

monthly income survey

So I put this three-video series together to share the best side hustle ideas I’ve seen. Again, we’re not talking about some of those lame per-hour ideas you see, like transcriptionist or spammy survey sites. I’m talking about legit business ideas that will make you $200 to $500 daily, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I saved my two favorite income ideas for this video, two businesses that either one can make you an extra $300 a day. Check out that first video because these side hustles aren’t like an either-or scenario. Put a few of them together, and you’re quickly making that $300 to $500 daily.

Check out the first video – My 5 Favorite Work-from-Home Ideas for Fast Cash

Check out the second video – Two Ways to Boost Your Daily Income by $200 Every Single Day!

How to Make Easy Money on YouTube

Our first side hustles to make $300 a day, and I didn’t even think this was legal at first, is to use creative commons videos on YouTube.

easy ways to make money every single day

If you spend time on YouTube, you see your share of videos that are just a collection of video clips. Search for anything like animal videos, and you see these get millions of views, and the channels have millions of subscribers.

So while the rest of us yahoos are busting our butts, spending hours creating videos and editing, these channels are proving the rule of working smarter, not harder.

And just so you can see how much you can make with this. I average about a penny per view from YouTube ads and sign sponsorship deals for the videos. But, of course, personal finance is a money-making niche, so these compilation video channels might only be getting around a third of a penny per view. Still, they’re hitting millions of views on each video.

how i make money on youtube everyday
How I make money on YouTube every day

You look at channels like Tiger Productions, which looks like just a bunch of kid and pet videos. They’ve got over 2.8 MILLION subscribers and over a billion views, so even at the low end, we’re probably talking around three million dollars in ads on the channel. And you can see some of these videos are insane, 22 million, 52 million, 134 MILLION VIEWS!

I thought these compilation videos were against YouTube rules at first because all they’re doing is copying other videos. However, it turns out this is a legit strategy called creative commons.

When you upload a video to YouTube, it can be restricted usage or creative commons, which means other people can use it. So these compilation channels are just repackaging other videos for their own, getting millions of views and making boatloads of money.

So let’s run through an example to show how easy it can be to do one of these videos and make money this way. Say you want to do a funny cat video because if there’s one thing that always goes viral… it’s funny cat videos.

So you type in your search, see some videos pop up, and then go to filter and click on that creative commons under features. So now you can click through to any of these videos, and if you look in the description, you’ll see creative commons reuse is allowed.

Grabbing some of these videos for your channel is super easy. One thing, though, is that you want to create compilations, so clips from different videos. You don’t want to grab videos and upload them as your own. You’re going to be putting several clips together, all on the same topic, to make your super-video that will get those millions of views.

After you search for the videos you want, you want to copy down the URL address for each. Then you can do a Google search for YouTube to MP4 converter, which will snatch the video file and download it to your computer.

With these full videos, you can use any editing software to cut the clips and put them together. I use Camtasia, but there are a lot of free video editing programs you can also use. You want to cut the clips out, maybe add some graphics like a countdown.

You also want to edit out any music if it’s in the original video, and this part’s important. The video might be creative commons, but that doesn’t mean the music is so stripped that out. You can add your own music from the free files available on YouTube, which is an excellent resource for any channel.

When you publish your video, it’s good practice to add a link in the video description to the original videos where you got the clips. I couldn’t find anything on YouTube that said this was required, but it’s just accepted practice.

It’s also something that will help your video get views, though, because if YouTube sees people watching these other videos and yours together, it will start suggesting them together, so you’ll start getting views when the other videos do.

That’s the primary process, but I’ve got a few more tips to boost your views and help you make even more money. First, don’t forget basic SEO for the videos. If you look at most of these videos, they have next to nothing in the description. This area is gold for telling YouTube what the video is about, so write out a couple of paragraphs here using keywords to help YouTube understand your video and serve it up to people that will watch.

You also want to include some affiliate links or some Amazon affiliate links. Maybe you affiliate with a couple of cat food or pet toy companies and put the links in the video description. Anything with a million views will have tens of thousands of people looking at the report and could be a few grand just in affiliate commissions.

You can get it to where it might only take an hour or two to put together each compilation video. Even on those lower Youtube ad rates, you’ll make $300 daily on less than 100,000 views, not including affiliate sales or videos that go viral.

Click to reserve your spot at the FREE YouTube Quick-start Webinar! I’m sharing three strategies that helped me grow my YouTube channel and double my business income. I guarantee they WILL work for you. Seats are limited for the webinar, so make sure you reserve yours.

Create your account on TubeBuddy for free to see the features that will help grow your channel!

How to Make Money on Amazon Every Day

Our next side hustle idea, something so simple but few people are doing, is hacking Amazon’s daily deals page.

how to make 300 dollars everyday

You can go to Amazon any day and click on this Today’s Deals to find some heavily discounted stuff. These discounts are usually products where the seller is trying to build up sales and reviews so they’re offering huge discounts for one or two days. Prices are typically cut from 15% to 60% or more, and thousands of products are available. So you can scroll through here and look at some of these. Here you see there are 26 pages of deals today, so no loss for opportunities.

If we click on one of these, that looks like a big discount, so this selfie ring light. Then we’ll open a new window and do a Google search for that exact item on eBay, and there it is the first listing. So here we see it’s selling on eBay for $17 versus that daily deal on Amazon for $7.50.

Now that doesn’t necessarily make it a great deal, but you can list it on eBay, so copy and paste the description and photos into your eBay account. You set it to sell just for the day, and if anyone buys, you can go to Amazon and get it at a discount. All of these Amazon deals will show you how long until the deals expire, so you don’t have to be worried about not being able to get it at that discount price. 

The one thing you can’t do is use Prime to ship it because you can’t ship resellers to a different address. So if you have Prime, you’ll need to open a new account, and then you can ship directly from the seller on Amazon to your buyer on eBay. So you never even have to see the product. You save on shipping, moving it now from seller to buyer. You’re just taking the profit as the middleman.

With just this one item, even if we mark down our price from the $17 listed on the product we found on eBay, you could still double your money on this ring light. You can see how it wouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to turn this into a few hundred a day.

You can manage this strategy in two ways to make it less time-intensive. One is you can hire someone out to watch your listings or take some of the work. You can get freelancers to do this or have someone go in as a business partner. The other strategy is to buy some of these daily deals and then keep the ad on eBay until it sells. This strategy helps focus on one or two product types so you get a feel for what will sell quickly and how much.

how to make money everyday online

Our last video in the side hustle series will be for big money! I’m revealing one income idea that builds and goes beyond that $300 a day. It’s coming at you in the following video. Make sure you join the community by clicking that subscribe button so you don’t miss it!

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