How to Make Money Online for Free: 28 Excellent Options to Consider

Many people want to know how to make money online. To put a finer point on it, people want to know how to make money online for free. People have exited the brick-and-mortar workplaces and are seeking other options.

This article will dissect 28 different ways to do it. Some are well-known, others less so. All are legitimate methods to earn a quick buck.

Why Making Money Online Is So Enticing

The allure of making free money online is hard to resist. With the internet so readily available, it’s easier than ever to get started. Before we dive in, let’s discuss why it’s so enticing in the first place.

Firstly, you can do it from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. This is optimal if you’re someone who travels around frequently.

You can also set your own hours with most online jobs, making them perfect for people who want to make extra cash but can’t commit to a full-time position. Working from home means you don’t have to deal with commuting or office politics.

Lastly, you can make a full-time sustainable income that may help combat rising inflation. Since your income is dependent upon you, not any salary schedule, you could work to bump it up to make up for rising living costs.

How to Make Money Online for Free

Now that we’ve discussed why making money online is so appealing let’s get into the different ways you can do it.

Virtual Assistant

One way you can make money online is by becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants provide administrative support to clients, often remotely. Your work as a personal assistant can include tasks such as scheduling appointments, answering emails, and managing social media accounts.

To be a successful assistant, you’ll need good organizational skills and the ability to communicate clearly with clients. You should also be comfortable using different technology, such as video conferencing and project management software.

Web Researcher

Another way to make money online is by becoming a web researcher. Web researchers collect and analyze data from the internet for companies and organizations. Work can include conducting market research, competitive analysis, and customer surveys.

To be a successful web researcher, you’ll need good research skills and the ability to find reliable sources of information. You should also be comfortable using different software, such as Excel and Google Sheets.

Audio and Video Transcriber

You can make money online by transcribing audio and video files if you have good listening and typing skills. Transcribers convert audio and video recordings into written form, often used for subtitles and closed captions.

To be a successful transcriber, you’ll need to pay attention to detail and the ability to type quickly. You should also be comfortable using transcription software.

Patreon Creator

Patreon is a platform that allows creators to fund their work through monthly subscriptions from fans. Fans can subscribe to their favorite creators and receive exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes videos, early access to new releases, and Patron-only chatrooms.

To be a successful Patreon creator, you’ll need to build up a large following of fans willing to pay for your high-quality content.

Review Websites or Apps

Several websites and apps will pay you to write reviews. These platforms usually work by giving you a small amount of money for each review you write.

To do well at this job, you’ll need to be able to give clear and concise feedback. You should also be familiar with the platform you’re writing for so that you can provide accurate and helpful reviews.

Join an Affiliate Program

An affiliate program is a marketing arrangement in which an online retailer pays you a commission for each sale you generate. For example, if you have a blog about cooking, you could join an affiliate program for a kitchenware company. You then insert their affiliate link into your article. Every time someone clicks on it and purchases the product, you will receive a cut.

You’ll need to drive traffic to your blog or website to be successful. You should also be familiar with the products you’re promoting to give accurate information about the product and write a knowledgeable review.

YouTube Creator

YouTube creators make videos and post them on their channels. They can then monetize their videos with ads or through sponsorships.

To crush it as a YouTube creator, you’ll need to create high-quality videos that people want to watch. You should also be familiar with YouTube’s guidelines so that your videos don’t get flagged or removed.

Participate in Focus Groups

Focus groups are research studies where organizations want opinions on a product or service. Companies and organizations use focus groups to gather feedback about new products, ad campaigns, etc.

To participate in focus groups, you’ll need to sign up with a market research company. You should also be comfortable giving your opinion on various topics.

Online Travel Agent

An online travel agent helps people plan and book their travel arrangements. Work can include booking flights, hotels, rental cars, and more.

To be a successful online travel agent, you’ll need to be familiar with the various booking systems and websites. You should also be able to give accurate information about the different travel options available.

Sell Stock Photos

If you have a good eye for taking pictures, you can make money by selling stock photos. Businesses and organizations use stock photos for website design, marketing materials, and blog posts.

You’ll need to sign up with a stock photo agency to sell stock photos. You should also be familiar with the different types of images in demand.

Social Media Consultant

A social media consultant helps businesses and organizations with their social media presence. The work can include creating and managing social media accounts, developing marketing campaigns, and more.

To become an in-demand social media consultant, you’ll need to be familiar with various social media platforms. You should also have experience working with businesses and organizations in this capacity.


If you have a good eye for detail, you can make money by proofreading and editing documents. This could include books, articles, websites, and other written content.

You’ll need excellent attention to detail to be a decent proofreader or editor. You should also be familiar with the different style guides used in this field.

Ad Manager

An ad manager helps businesses and organizations create and manage their online advertising campaigns. The work can include developing ad campaigns, managing budgets, and more.

To be a strong ad manager, you’ll need to experience different online advertising platforms.

Web Development

If you have experience with web development, you can make money by creating and maintaining websites for businesses and organizations. The work can include designing website layouts, coding, and more.

To become a web dev whizz, you need to learn a handful of programming languages. You should also know various tools and platforms that coders commonly use, like GitHub. 

English Teacher

If you’re a native English speaker, you can make money by teaching English to students from other countries. The work can be done online or in person.

To be a proficient English teacher, you obviously need to have a strong command of the language. Being attentive, patient, and personable helps too.

Sell Domain Names

If you’re familiar with website domains, you can make money buying and selling them for businesses and organizations. You can identify expired or unused domains and then negotiate prices with prospective buyers.

To make a good profit flipping domains, you must know the domain market inside out. You should also be across the different domain registrars and auction sites.

Website Testing

Website testing is a process of checking websites for potential errors or problems. Website testing can include usability testing, functional testing, and more.

To be a successful website tester, you’ll need experience with the different web browsers and operating systems. You should also know the different types of tests used in this field.

Freelance Writing

If you have a knack for writing, you can make money by writing articles, blog posts, and other types of content for businesses and organizations.

To be a successful freelance writer, you’ll need to know the different styles of writing used. You should also have experience working with various content management systems.

Data Entry

Data entry is the process of entering data into computer systems. Duties include transcribing audio files, filling out forms, etc.

To be a solid data entry worker, you’ll need to have good attention to detail. You should also be familiar with the different software programs used in this field.

Sell on Facebook Marketplace

If you’re familiar with the Facebook Marketplace, you can make money by selling products and services on this platform. This includes things like clothes, electronics, and more.

To be a good seller, you’ll need to understand how the Facebook Marketplace works and how to optimize sales copy so customers want to buy your product.


Dropshipping is a type of e-commerce where businesses sell products without carrying inventory. You can use a dropshipping supplier.

First, you’ll need to understand how dropshipping works. There is a bit of a learning curve for beginners. You should also be familiar with the different types of popular products in this field.

Online Consulting

If you have experience in a particular field, you can make money by offering your services online. Services can include things like coaching, consulting, and more.

To be a stellar consultant, you need to offer tailored advice not easily found elsewhere. It helps to demonstrate your expertise to your clients directly, say through a track record of your professional work or educational degrees, etc. You should also be familiar with the various platforms to offer these services.

Develop an Online Course

If you have knowledge or experience in a particular subject, you can make money by developing an online course. This includes creating course content, recording videos, and more.

To be a great course maker, you’ll need to understand how to develop an effective online course. You should also be familiar with the different platforms used to host these courses.

Complete Online Surveys

You can make money by completing online surveys for businesses and organizations. You can include things like providing your opinion on products, answering questions, and more.

To be successful in this field, you’ll need to have good attention to detail. You should also be familiar with the different types of survey platforms available.

Make Money Watching Videos

You can make money by watching videos online for businesses and organizations. The work you do can include reviewing products, providing your opinion on videos, and more.

Make Money Playing Games

You can earn money while playing games online. This can involve tasks like testing new games, providing feedback on game features, and more.

Shopping Online for Others

You can make money by shopping online for businesses and organizations. You can include things like finding deals, providing your opinion on products, and more.

Sell Digital Products

If you have experience in a particular field, you can make money by selling digital products. Products can include things like e-books, online courses, and more.

Final Thoughts

Here are just a few ways you can make money online. These include freelancing, website testing, data entry, and more. To be successful, you’ll need to have skills and experience. You can make money online with the proper knowledge and dedication.

This article originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks.

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