How to Promote an Anonymous Blog without Outing Yourself

Anonymous blogging means keeping an eye on all the common blogging mistakes but also watching out for stuff specific to hiding your identity. 

We’ll highlight why you might want to blog anonymously and how to get started before digging into some of the details on how to make your anonymous blog a success. 

Can You Blog Under a Fake Name?

There are several reasons you might want to blog anonymously including: – Conflicts with work – Privacy – Safety – Talking about touchy subject

The biggest reason I hear for anonymous blogging is privacy and related safety concerns, especially with financial bloggers. One of the biggest names in personal finance isn’t a name at all but a pseudonym. 

How to Start an Anonymous Blog

Blogging anonymously will mean a few extra steps to setting up your blog. 1) Spend some time thinking about your blogging name and what you’ll share. 

2) You’ll want to create a new email account you can use to register your blog and hosting. 3) When you set up your hosting account, you’ll need to check the box for Domain Privacy Protection. This costs $0.99 a month extra on Blue Host.

Can You Make Money from an Anonymous Blog?

Some of the best ways to make money with an anonymous blog include: – Sponsored posts – companies you work with will know your name but never disclose it.

– Affiliate marketing – Self-publishing under your fake name. Writers have used pseudonyms for centuries. – Advertising on your blog with Google or other networks.

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