Before you buy any of these books on getting out of debt looking for an easy solution, any legal strategy is going to take a little effort and at least a few months.
I’ve picked out my ten favorite credit repair books on Amazon but (honestly) you don’t need a book to fix your credit.
Best Books about Debt Relief
Jeff Rose, one of the most respected advisors in my financial bloggers’ circle, teams up with Ben Edwards in Get Out of Debt Like the Debt Heroes.
Best Books for Getting Out of Debt
1. The Recovering Spender 2. The Total Money Makeover 3. How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously 4. Negotiate and Settle Your Debts.
Best Books for Getting Out of Debt
Mandy Akridge puts the process in your hands with Negotiate and Settle Your Debts. This debt settlement strategy includes actual data on what banks will accept as settlements.
Best Books about Credit Card Debt
1. How to Legally Rob Credit Card Companies 2. Debt-Proof Living
Best Books about Credit Repair
Better than Credit Repair: The Handbook of Credit Mastery. The book promises no more credit repair quick-fixes but an action-based handbook for personal credit.