3 Critical Steps to Check Your Financial Health

Our daily lives are so busy just trying to pay the bills that most people never sit down to really check up on where their finances are and if they are on the right track.

There are three critical steps you need to take for a financial checkup that will keep you financially healthy and help meet your goals!

Does Net Worth Equal Financially Healthy?

Finding your net worth is a starting point in your financial checkup to see how much you have in savings, investments and how much debt might be dragging you down. 

Your net worth is nothing but a starting point from which to get your finances on the right path. It means nothing until you understand your long-term financial goals and how much you need to meet those goals. 

What Does Your Net Worth Mean?

Give Yourself Some Credit for Your Financial Checkup

Whether you want to be debt free and don’t plan on using credit cards, your credit report is still extremely important to your financial health and affects more than you may know. 

Are You a Financially Healthy Investor?

Instead of investing blindly and hoping you have enough money for retirement, an IPS helps you customize your investing for your needs and makes sure you are going in the right direction. 

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