Five Easy Money Hacks that Nobody Thinks of – that will Work Today

Everyone wants more money and less debt, right? But sometimes it seems everything is lining up against you trying to manage your money.

 I’m going to reveal five hacks you can use right now that are literally going to save you thousands of dollars and earn more money.

Setting SMART Goals to Make Saving Easy

Your goal has to be something you’re actually going to do like pay off a specific debt. It can’t be just pay off debt, that’s too broad and hazy.

Setting SMART Goals to Make Saving Easy

Your goals need to be measurable, a dollar-figure you can aim for and they have to be attainable and realistic. Finally, your goals need to be timely – they need to have a start date and a stop date when you’re going to achieve them.  

You don’t have to become a social outsider to save money, you just need to think creatively for low-cost ways to spend time and connect with your friends.

How to Spend Money and Still Save it Also

How to Trick Your Bank Account to Save Money

Set up your account to automatically move money to pay bills and into an investment account. You can set up an account exclusively for bills and have them direct withdrawal out or try an app that separates your money. 

How to Negotiate More Savings

Grab all your bills, all of them. Set up an hour or two on your calendar and start dialing. Just come right out and be honest, say you’re looking for ways to decrease your bill and are considering finding another service.

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