How to Financially Survive a Job Loss

Losing a job is never fun, especially when everything at work seems to be humming along smoothly. 

Even in the current bull market and with the lowest unemployment rate in recent memory, companies go out of business and downsize payrolls. 

Take the stress out of job loss and turn it into an opportunity with these tips on surviving a job loss.

Take the Time to Relax after a Job Loss

During the first two weeks of my sabbatical, I spent very little time planning for the future. Yes, I combed through the job listings and answered emails but took most of the time to just recharge.

Staying physically active, eating a healthy diet, and rekindling your interest in a long-forgotten hobby can all be great ways to channel your energy and give “purpose” to your life during this chapter of transition.

Never Give Into Your Fears of Losing Everything

One reason why it took so long for me to find a replacement job is that I wasn’t going to take a job that worked nights and weekends anymore. Instead, I learned new skills to be a more competitive candidate in my new career field.

Don’t Settle to Survive a Job Loss

While we didn’t expect to use our entire emergency fund, we set aside six months of cash just in case. We also cut our spending as low as possible to make our money last as long as possible.

Tap Your Cash Reserves First, Don’t Touch Your Investments

Take time to be active in your local community by doing things you didn’t have time for before, and might not once you begin working again.  

Stay Active Within Your Career Network and Community

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