How I Made $34,000 Crowdfunding

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about crowdfunding since last week’s webinar with small business community Manta.

Week two of our five-week series on how to make extra money online covered some of the details in using crowdfunding to launch your dream project.

What was your crowdfunding campaign about?

My goal was to raise $30,000 to complete production and some post-production for my documentary, “Forced Change.” 

I have been working on the project for more than ten years, following the lives of a group of people that were forced to leave their homes in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Did you try to raise money from other sources before crowdfunding?

I tried to raise money from some grants but many organizations want you to apply multiple times before even looking at your project.

What did you do before the crowdfunding campaign to get ready?

I actually wanted to launch the campaign in November but held off until February to better prepare.

I talked to everyone I knew to build excitement for the campaign ahead of time. My team on the documentary really worked to build up an online presence through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

I reached out to local New Orleans groups and businesses for creative rewards to offer the campaign supporters. I also contacted journalists and bloggers with an interest in the film or the topic to see if I could get some buzz created.

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