How to Invest in Art with just $20

Investing in art: I love the idea because not only can it be a solid investment return that also helps diversify your portfolio from those stock market ups and downs, but it’s a really unique investment.

My Experience Investing in Collectibles

Now, my own experience investing in collectibles is…not ideal. I started collecting comic books when I was 12 along with my dad. 

There were a few good ones in there like the Infinity Gauntlet series and the first issue of Deadpool from ’97 but most…yeah, not so much. 

My Experience Investing in Collectibles

My Experience Investing in Collectibles

It was all worth it the time I spent with my dad but if you’re investing in art or any kind of collectible, you need to know what you’re buying and how to invest.

How Anyone Can Start Investing in Fine Art

 Masterworks is the first platform to allow Main Street investors to buy shares of investment in fine art, some of the best known artists like Warhol, Monet and Picasso.

How Anyone Can Start Investing in Fine Art

The company has a research team to find and value works of art on an investment basis, acquires and stores the piece securely, and then creates an LLC on each to sell shares to investors.

How Anyone Can Start Investing in Fine Art

The average holding period is three to ten years, after which the art is sold and investors are paid out. And one example here, the company sold Banksy’s Mona Lisa last year for $1.5 billion, an annualized return of 32% to investors.

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