The Myth of Passive Income: Online Stores

One of the greatest passive income myths has been born – all you need to do is put out the sign on your online store and wait for the masses to give you their money.

I will look at the four most popular investments for passive income potential:  1. Blogging 2. Income Investing 3. Bonds 4. Real Estate

Passive Income Online: Myth and Reality

The reality of an online store, as we saw with blogging, is that they are easy to set up but success takes a bit more work. In fact, your online store is likely to provide even less passive income than blogging.

Affiliate Sales Online for Passive Income

Affiliate sales are a lot like the advertising we saw in blogging but you only get paid if someone actually buys a product or service. A lot of companies offer commissions on sales of their products.

To take advantage of this, you sign up directly on the company’s website or through an affiliate network like Amazon Associates. Looking for programs directly with a specific company is usually as easy as a Google search for affiliate program.”

Selling your own products or services through a blog or online store is arguably the best way to make money online. You are only making a slim cut on advertising.

Selling your Own Products Online for Passive Income

Unfortunately, selling your own products or services means you need something to sell. Manufacturing a product can cost thousands in upfront expenses. Creating a book could take months to write and will cost money to edit and finish.

You can be successful selling just about anything related to your niche. The Moms Make Money blog made $2,452 on selling sewing patterns just during the month of January 2015.

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