9 Passive Income Ideas That Will Pay Your Rent

Learn passive income ideas to pay the rent in the least expensive states and the strategies for generating money while you sleep!

We’ll start with passive income ideas to pay the rent in the least expensive states and work our way up.

There is a huge demand for lending cryptocurrency and stablecoins right now so platforms like BlockFi are paying interest rates up to 8% on accounts.

Collecting Interest on Stable Coin

Selling Ebooks and Printables

 I’ve been self-publishing on Amazon since 2015 and tracking each month’s income. I average just over $1,500 a month through self-publishing and have made over $123,000 total in those six years!

Staking Cryptocurrency

Joining the staking pool, you can earn from 5% to as high as 20% depending on the coin and exchange you use. Rewards for staking are forecasted to top $12.5 billion this year.

Affiliate Websites

An affiliate marketing blog is a website where your primary source of income is going to be mentioning products or courses and then getting a commission off sales of those.

Laundromat Business

Running a laundromat is probably the second-highest paying on our list and surprisingly passive. The laundry business is a $5 billion industry in the United States alone with more than 35,000 laundromats nationwide.

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