One of the ways that money affects our relationships is when you have two competing values when you come together in a relationship. The classic spender and saver problem.
One of the things I always really advocate is having conversations about life goals because at the end of the day your money is to help you enhance every aspect of your life.
Some people love to spend money and then you feel like you have to do the same. Something that I’ve experienced in the past were my friends have really expensive dining habits.
Now I'm not saying the other person is wrong for spending that money, that's their choice. But I also have a choice in which I want spend my money as well. It's like competing values and those are the ways that friendships can be ruined.
First is look at the numbers. Not only look at the numbers but what times you overspend. You’ll end up seeing a pattern that can tell you a lot about why you spend.
Also understand how you feel when you’re around your partner because that is going to be important to understand they are more important than the money.