It’s tough changing the spending habits we’ve learned over decades which makes teaching your kids early one of the most important things you can do as a parent.
I was a little boy and received one or two dollars weekly to spend, I would save up the money just in case of an emergency and my parents ever needed the money for something more important.
I remember when I received my first cellular phone, I was very excited. However, this luxury came at a price; the monthly bills started to become a burden for my parents little by little.
For this reason, I decided to accept responsibility and take action to help my parents with the monthly bills.
As I began to attend college, my parents also encouraged me to have some sort of budgeting system so I managed my money well and did not have to stress out about it.
Learning my lesson after the semester of college where I did no budgeting, I urged them to help me create a plan so I could be more organized with my money.