Ways to Make Extra Cash: All the Rest 

There are many ways to make extra cash online, some legit and some just plain weird. Put in a little time to develop your skill in any one of them, and it could become a full-time job at a very good income. 

It takes work to make extra cash in anything, so don’t expect to make thousands immediately. Try out the methods that you think you could be happy doing, even if you don’t make much money.

Making Extra Money with Online Surveys

This is one of the most common ways to make extra cash online that you see people talking about. Consumer companies always look for product feedback and hire research companies to survey customers.  

This is a new one for me but looks interesting. It is similar to the survey method, but you really don’t have to do anything on your part other than download some software to your computer. 

Making Extra Money with Online Search and Surfing

There are two methods here: 1. If you have a website or just a strong social media following, you may be able to make extra cash through affiliate sales. 

Make Extra Money through Your Social Network

2. Companies are paying people to tweet out their website links, press releases, and promotional offers. You set the price you want to tweet out someone’s message, and advertisers pay for the tweet.

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