There are plenty of movie tropes, but one oft-used but rarely referenced is the “shot in the buttocks” trope. Comedies are typically where this technique resides because, let’s face it, of all the places to get shot, there’s nothing quite as funny as the cheeks or “the tops of the legs,” as by Stan (Rob Reiner) from The Story of Us. So let’s list some of the best films that employ this terror to the tail.

1. Blazing Saddles (1974)

Scene from Blazing Saddles
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Several people mention Mel Brooks’s 1974 classic spoof of Westerns, Blazing Saddles. The movie pairs actors Gene Wilder as Jim, aka “Waco Kid,” and Cleavon Little as Bart. While chatting, Jim discloses how he went from the Waco Kid to a common drunk.

1. Blazing Saddles (1974)

Scene from Blazing Saddles
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Gunmen after gunmen rode it to challenge Jim, until one day, he turned and saw his challenger was a six-year-old boy. Ignoring the danger, Jim tossed his guns aside and turned away only to take a bullet to the posterior. Then, he walked into a saloon for whiskey and never put the bottle down.

2. Bad Boys II (2003)

Scene from Bad Boys II
Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

Bad Boys 2 may not exude the unforgettable quality of its predecessor, but many folks recall the friendly fire to the caboose. When Black narcotic officers Mike Lowry (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) wind up in a shootout against the KKK, an epic slow-mo shot occurs as Mike fires at one of the racist men.

2. Bad Boys II (2003)

Scene from Bad Boys II
Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

The bullet’s trajectory reaches its target, but not before clipping Marcus. Indelibly burned into viewers’ memory banks, the up-close view of Marcus’s pain and horror is forever comical.

3. Billy Madison (1995)

Scene from Billy Madison
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Adam Sandler’s comedies were always filled with over-the-top nonsensical stories but still side-splitting comical. For example, in Billy Madison‘s climax, the villainous Eric (Bradley Whitford) sets his vengeful sights on Billy’s (Adam Sandler) love interest Veronica (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras), only to receive lead to the tushie from rifleman Danny (Steve Buscemi).

4. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Scene from 10 Things I Hate About You
Photo Credit: Touchstone Pictures.

“Shot” can mean more than bullets. As movie fans point out, in 10 Things I Hate About You, the gym teacher takes an arrow to the derriere at the hands of an easily distracted teen, Bianca (Larina Oleynik), practicing archery. Here, the laughs lie in the teacher’s pained howls as second-fiddle in the background as the angsty drama unfolds in the foreground.

5. Dances With Wolves (1990)

Scene from Dancing with Wolves
Photo Credit: MGM.

Others recalled a scene in Dances With Wolves that is by no means funny but gruesome. In it, Timmons (Robert Pastorelli) receives an arrow to the rear as a precursor to his execution by the Pawnee. It takes a lot of arrows and a scalping till Timmons draws his last breath.

6. Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool poster
Photo Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

One of the more recent but no less memorable moments, several people cited, is in Deadpool when the titular character, Ryan Reynolds, gets into a shootout on the bridge while searching for Francis. As he’s gunning down enemies while delivering snarky clips, he takes gunfire to the bahookie, barely slowing him down.

7. Wedding Crashers (2005)

Scene from Wedding Crashers
Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

Another unforgettable fanny-fire moment many moviegoers recalled is in Wedding Crashers. As Jeremy (Vince Vaughn) and John (Owen Wilson) are out hunting in the woods, a trigger-happy Sack (Bradley Cooper) decides to “scare” them. But rather than firing near them, he rained buckshot on Jeremy’s booty.

8. Training Day (2001)

Scene from Training Day
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

The hilarity of the moment is why many posters mention Training Day. In a tense film about a crooked cop, Alonzo (Denzel Washington), and his new partner, Jake (Ethan Hawke), the climax, when Jake confronts and stops Alonzo’s criminal schemes, allows viewers to release that tension through surprised laughter.

8. Training Day (2001)

Scene from Training Day
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

As Alonzo reaches for the gun, despite Jake threatening to shoot him, Jake plugs one in his keester to the audience’s and Alonzo’s disbelief.

9. Forrest Gump (1994)

Scene from Forrest Gump
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Forrest Gump‘s most famous moment isn’t when Forrest (Tom Hanks) takes a slug to his sit-upon, but the moment after the president awards him a medal and says he’d “like to see that.” Then, in front of camera crews, Forrest “drops trou” and shows America and the president the proof of his sacrifice. You can’t help but laugh and smile at his innocence.

10. The Great Outdoors (1988)

Scene from The Great Outdoors
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

While arguably a cheat, since this isn’t a person who gets lead to the tush, it is hilariously burned into viewers’ minds. In The Great Outdoors, a famed bald-headed bear attacks the cabin where Roman (Dan Ackroyd) and Chet’s (John Candy) families reside for vacation.

10. The Great Outdoors (1988)

Scene from The Great Outdoors
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

As Roman tries to defend his family and Chet rambles in shock, savior Wally (Robert Prosky) arrives with a fully loaded shotgun lamp and shoots the enormous bear in the rear, blowing away all his hair. As the raccoons discuss later, “he’s bald at both ends” now.

Source: Reddit.

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