Skin microflora isn’t the only thing that can grow on you. Films can too. The internet identified several undeniably great films they weren’t feeling at first watch. After a few more viewings, though, initially, wary film fans recognized these movies’ excellence.
1. The Big Lebowski (1998)
Dude, how can you not love The Dude? To be fair, Jeff Bridges’ protagonist in The Big Lebowski is so ridiculous and so dedicated to the word “dude” that I understand how many would see the movie as too much.
Similarly, over-the-top characters like John Turturro’s Jesus Quintana and John Goodman’s Walters Sobchak may take multiple viewings to appreciate.
2. No Country for Old Men (2007)
Movies from the Coen Brothers age like fine wine. According to some, No Country for Old Men was No Movie for For Them.
The 2008 Best Picture Oscar Winner received heaps of praise and was one of the must-see movies of its era. Therefore, the relatively slow pacing and the unconventional ending surprised action-seeking filmgoers. Because, honestly, what else could they possibly complain about when it comes to No Country for Old Men?
3. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
“What are you going to do today, Napoleon?”
“Whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh!”
Between the unforgettable comedic dialogue, oddball characters (Kip, Uncle Rico, and the llama Tina stand out), and utterly virgin-esque mannerisms of Napoleon himself, Napoleon Dynamite became an unlikely smash comedy.
However, the low-budget comedy didn’t land for the first time with many viewers who didn’t understand the hype. With maturation and multiple re-viewings, they came to appreciate Napoleon’s brilliance.
4. Office Space (1999)
Mike Judge’s brand of comedy isn’t for everyone, and Office Space clearly targeted the cubicle-dwelling audience. A one-time critic said that Office Space seemed foreign the first time they watched it, but rewatching the movie after working an office job significantly elevated the film’s comedy.
5. The Godfather (1972)
One confessional cinephile admits they were an uncultured, 16-year-old Neanderthal when they thought The Godfather was slow and tedious. They grew up and changed their mind, and thus, we can forgive their youthful ignorance.
6. Vertigo (1958)
The acclaimed thriller from Alfred Hitchcock was not as “scary” as some viewers expected. Upon further review, converted fans of Vertigo came to appreciate the movie’s before-its-time cinematography and plot structure.
7. Whiplash (2014)
Truly one of the most shocking submissions on the internet’s list of films that did not immediately impress, Whiplash received near universal acclaim from audiences.
A one-time critic explained they missed a critical plot point at the movie’s end. The critic immediately became a Whiplash fan when they caught the subtle scene on second viewing.
8. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
Writers Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach are not for everyone, and The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou is one of Anderson’s more ambitious films. The director’s brand of quirky, at times awkward comedy has a way of growing on viewers like that mole you’ve been meaning to have your dermatologist check out.
9. Step Brothers (2008)
Some viewers still don’t appreciate the artistry of two full-grown, established comedic actors playing infantile stepbrothers. While nobody claims Step Brothers to be a highbrow comedy, the absurdity of DIY bunkbeds and drum-set therapy becomes more comedic as the world grows increasingly serious.
10. Miami Vice (2006)
Viewers were absolutely pumped for a Miami Vice reboot starring box-office draws Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx, directed by accomplished filmmaker Michael Mann. Many were expecting a South Beach-ified version of Heat yet encountered a more deliberate, artful movie.
With time, many have come to appreciate Mann’s rendition of Miami Vice as a quality film, though the initial disappointment still lingers in the film’s IMDb rating.
Source: Reddit.
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