Beginner Blogging Checklist: Daily, Weekly and Monthly Blogging Tasks

Don’t let important blogging tasks get neglected. Use this blogging checklist to grow your online business.

Blogging is a business! Yes, it might have started with a few people sharing random thoughts that nobody wanted to hear but it’s grown into a legit business model.

That means all the little moving parts you’d expect in a business…yep, they’re all right there in blogging. It also means if you want to be successful, you can’t afford to just wing it with your blog. You need to organize and make sure you get everything done or you’ll lose readers, lose search ranking and you’re gonna have a bad time blogging! (did you get the reference?)

Wait don’t go! I don’t want to scare you from blogging. It might seem like a lot, especially if you’ve already skimmed the daily, weekly and monthly task list below, but this is totally doable for one person.

Not only is it doable but I’ve seen individual bloggers running million-dollar blogs all on their own…but they all had a schedule to make sure they checked all the boxes.

Here’s your schedule for successful blogging!

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Organizing Your Blogging Tasks for Success

When you have a blog, there are usually many things to do. There’s creating content, keeping tabs on comments, and following up with readers.

blogging checklist for bloggers

All of these tasks can be time-consuming and distracting from your blogging. You need a way to keep track of all the different blogs so that you don’t lose track of what needs to be done at any given time. Many types of software will also allow you to collaborate with other bloggers so that they can help with your blog in certain areas such as performing site maintenance or guest posts.

Some popular blogging platforms include:

  • WordPress
  • Tumblr  

This is especially useful if you’re using several different tools.

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Daily tasks include everything that needs to be done every day, regardless of whether it’s a weekday or the weekend. You can use a simple notepad or calendar for this.

Some examples of daily tasks are as follows:

  • Reply to comments
  • Post on social media sites
  • Write 2 blog posts
  • Keep up with my site security
  • Check how search engine optimization is doing
  • Make changes based on analytics

A weekly task list, on the other hand, focuses mainly on anything that will take more than one hour but less than two days to complete. This is where collaboration tools come in handy—if you have a team of bloggers, they can help take care of these tasks while you’re busy doing other things.

Some examples include: Posting on social media sites, Guest blogging, Posting to forums, etc.

Long-term Blogging Goals

Long-term blog goals are anything that needs to be done in the future but not right away. You should also include a due date for each goal so that you’re always aware of when it’s time to complete them.

Long term goals typically encompass the following: Upgrading your site, forming relationships with publishers. growing monthly traffic, deciding what types of people to write for, organizing your blogging tasks, etc.

These steps will help you revamp how your handle your blogging tasks and prioritize everything as well as giving you more time to spend on your blog. The more tasks you can accomplish, the more time you’ll have to concentrate on expanding your blog and growing your audience.

Daily Blogging Tasks

There’s going to be some overlap between the daily and weekly blogging tasks. I use my weekly calendar to plan and then complete tasks on different days. The daily blogger tasks though are things you’ll do pretty much every day without fail.

  • Create social media graphics. You’re going to be engaging on social just about every day and that means creating a few pins, images or motivational quotes to share.
  • Engage on Social Media. Should it surprise anyone that success on social media, building a legit following means…being social? This means more than just spamming your links around social platforms. You actually have to answer questions, respond to posts and support others.
  • Answer emails for sponsorships and from customers. Most of your email tasks can wait for the end of the week or sit for a few days at least. The important ones like sponsors and customers of your own products, you’ll want to respond to those every day.
  • Read at least two blog posts from other bloggers, comment and share. A lot of blogging is about engaging with other bloggers, reading their posts and seeing what works for them. A quick half hour is more than enough each day.
  • Respond to comments on posts. Readers like to know you care about their comment. Responding within 24 hours helps to show this.

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Weekly Blogging Tasks

I usually block out a couple of hours on Sunday to start my weekly planning. A lot of these tasks will be completed during the week but it helps to have an overall plan. Other tasks are quick enough you can do them in a few minutes each week.

  • Research, write, edit and publish two or more posts. I script three videos and write four posts a week…so yeah, that’s my Monday through Wednesday schedule. It helps to plan it out on Sunday though so I can flow from one video or post to another quickly as I’m writing.
  • Plan your social media strategy for the week. How many posts will you link off the social platform? How many posts will you ask a question to engage your audience and how many motivational quotes will you post?
  • Answer miscellaneous emails. Don’t worry about getting to inbox zero every day. Pick a day of the week to answer the non-important stuff and stop spending so much time on it every day.
  • Turn on Broken Link Checker for 36 hours and fix broken links. You don’t want the Broken Link Checker plugin running all the time or it will slow down your blog. You do want to turn it on once a week for a day or two and take care of those broken links.
  • Make a learning plan for the week. Every successful person, including bloggers, is constantly acquiring and developing new skills. Whether it’s learning new software or a process or just a blogger trick, try putting some kind of learning on your schedule each week.
  • Back up your blog. This is a quick one but SOOO important. Some web hosts will do it for you but it’s a good idea to back it up manually once a week.
  • Email newsletter. Unless you have all your email subscribers on pre-set sequences (and maybe even if you do), consider touching base each week with a newsletter.
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Check out all nine money-making strategies with Make Money Blogging. The books details the nine strategies I use to make money, starting with the easiest and working through the income sources that make thousands a month. Each chapter walks you through how much you can make and how to set it up on your blog.

Get the audiobook version of Make Money Blogging FREE with a trial on Audible.

Monthly Blogging Tasks

Monthly blogger tasks tend to be the big stuff that doesn’t need to be on your weekly calendar but should be somewhere. I like to put these on the side of my calendar and cross them out as I go.

  • Update blog plugins. You’ll get notices regularly that a plugin update is available. I usually wait at least a week or two after seeing these, just to make sure the bugs are worked out of the update.
  • Do at least one SEO link-focused post like a roundup post, a long comparison list or a graphic resource (blogging checklist, printable or infographic). This can replace one of your weekly posts since they generally take longer to produce. Your goal here is to make something so interesting, novel or helpful that it will naturally attract links.
  • Do at least one ‘hero’ content post of 3,000 words or more. Another post that can replace one of your weekly articles. These take longer to produce but are so informative and so detailed that others can’t help but reference and link to them.
  • Update, improve and republish one post per month. Another post that can replace one of your weekly articles and these actually take a little less time. Find a post older than six months, go back through updating old content but also adding detail and internal links then publish as a new post.
  • Plan and develop a product. Some of your products; i.e. courses and books, will probably take longer than a month but you’ve got to put these on your schedule. Plan on developing at least a part of the product each month whether it’s scripting, developing your marketing funnel or creating handouts.
  • Update your income and expenses spreadsheet. I can’t wait each month to update my business spreadsheet! Keep track of each income source to make sure you’re balancing your income.
  • Check affiliate links. If you’re using a link re-direct plugin like PrettyLink, this is as easy as just scrolling through your affiliates and clicking the link to make sure it works.
  • Search for and apply to new affiliate programs. You don’t need too many affiliates but you should keep up-to-date with what’s working for other bloggers. Check out what they’re promoting and any new affiliates available on the networks.
  • Review goals, content, social and email strategies. Just like any business, you need to continuously assess what’s working and what needs changed.

It’s a lot for a new blogger to remember. Scratch that, it’s a lot for even an old blogger to remember! That’s why it’s so important to have a blogging checklist like this to help organize and make sure you hit each task. Without organizing my blogging tasks like this; I know I would forget, neglect or just avoid a lot of the pieces that will help my blog grow. Use the blogging checklist for a couple of months though and the schedule will start to become second nature.

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