Boost Credit

Is Peer to Peer Lending the Right Option for Me?

The internet has revolutionized the way business is done. Everyone now has instant access to nearly everything, all the time. Barriers that once existed such as distance and know-how have ... Read more
credit card mistakes destroy your credit score

10 Mistakes that Destroy Your Credit Score

Destroy your credit score and you’ll be locked out of the lowest rates in history. Here’s how to avoid ruining your credit. We’re quite a bit more relaxed about debt ... Read more
p2p investment risks in peer lending

Three P2P Investment Risks in Peer Lending to Avoid

P2P investing is bridging the gap between stocks and bonds but you’ll need to avoid the three biggest p2p investment risks Risk-free treasury bonds are paying nothing after inflation and ... Read more
Identity Theft Protection

By the time you read this: Identity Theft will Strike Again

Identity theft hits a new victim every two seconds. Is your financial future safe from hackers and thieves? A California man pled guilty to identity theft in 2008 for obtaining ... Read more
credit score disaster

How I Fought Back from Credit Score Disaster

The six steps I used to add 140 points to my FICO score after a credit score disaster It was Bob Hope that said, “A bank is a place that ... Read more

How to Get an Unsecured Business Loan

Getting unsecured business loans is much harder than traditional business loans because it all depends on the merits of your business. The lender is assuming you are going to hold ... Read more
stop saving and be happy

Stop Saving! Don’t save another penny until you’ve read this?

Stop sacrificing and saving money until you have a clear vision and all the motivation you need to reach financial goals. This post is a PeerStory from reader Doug Pearson ... Read more
find interest rate by credit score

Find your Interest Rate by Credit Score: Get your Best Rate

Find your interest rate by credit score on peer loans and how to get better rates on the money you need I never thought much about credit and interest rates ... Read more
best peer to peer lending websites investors

Best Peer to Peer Lending Sites for Investors

Use this list of best peer to peer lending sites for investors to break into the new asset class of peer loan investing The big news lately in the peer ... Read more
peer lending vs personal loans

Peer Lending vs Personal Loans: Better Rates and Best Deals

Peer lending may offer better rates but personal loans are easier to get and faster, which is best for your loan needs? Peer lending is surging with loans on the ... Read more