Ways to Make Extra Income During the Winter Months

During the harsh winter months, there are many different ways to earn extra income. With the extreme weather changes come opportunities for earning more money during the winter months. Earning self-employment income can be a fun and productive thing to do when you know the different ways of going about being your own boss. Taking advantage of the wintertime opportunities will give you more money for the holidays and a better chance to save for your summer vacations. Instead of binging on your favorite Netflix shows while roasting by an open fire, you could make the most of your winter and earn extra income.

Snow removal

One of the most well-known sources of extra income in the winter season is snow removal. There are quite a few different types of snow removal. Here are just a few:

  1. Shoveling driveways
  2. Shoveling sidewalks
  3. Clearing snow from cars at a dealership
  4. Clearing snow from parking structures
  5. Shoveling pathways to business complexes

When removing snow, you can look forward to earning around $25-$75 an hour depending on where you live. There are quite a few residences and businesses that just do not have the time to remove snow from their property. There are households where elderly or handicapped individuals are not physically able to complete this task. Snow removal can also be a great way to work on your physical fitness during the colder months where working out can be more of a chore. Try offering special deals for senior citizens or those with disabilities. This will help get your name out and raise your extra winter income substantially due to referrals.

Start running errands

Snow on the roads and in the driveways can be a big inconvenience for those who have errands to run. Retired individuals who do not have jobs to report to may opt for staying inside during the bigger storms of the season. However, there are still important errands that need to be run during even the biggest storms. Running errands for these homebound individuals can be a great way to earn some extra winter income. Think of your family members or friends who may be interested in your errand running services. These individuals will most likely be very willing to pay you a nominal fee to complete their errands. There are even some apps that have on demand services for errands like food running. These apps can be a great in-between for you and your clients.

Snag a holiday job

Retailers are always in serious need of seasonal workers during the busy holiday times of the year. If you visit a mall in the middle of March, you would have enough room to play football with your friends in the halls. If you were to visit a mall in the third week of December, you could probably crowd surf in the halls if everyone was in agreeance. Retail stores take advantage of these holiday rushes and they need your help. It is not uncommon to be able to walk into a department store during December, ask for a job, and get it right on the spot. The great thing about the Christmas rush is the amount of overtime you can rack up. If you are willing to put in the hours, you can earn a great deal of extra money working retail in the winter.

Customer Service

During the rush of the holidays, companies are in great need of customer service to help with their rush of online orders. Many of these companies have very flexible work at home options that could help you earn extra income during the winter months. By simply investing in a headset, you could turn your laptop or home computer into a money making machine. If you can discipline yourself to set a schedule and stick to it every day from home, you could really earn a great deal of extra money through working customer service during the busy winter months.

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