
Trump and Foxconn’s Factory Failed to Bring Jobs to America?

Did Trump’s plan to bring foreign manufacturing jobs to the US pan out? Or was it just a ruse to appear that something productive was happening? It turns out, the ... Read more

The Trump Team’s Delay Tactics and the Future of Special Counsels

In recent developments pertaining to the Trump immunity cases, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon has signaled her intention to hold a substantial hearing on the matter of special counsel ... Read more

Liars Paradise? How Fact Checking Will Play a Role in Debates

With the upcoming presidential debates scheduled between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, it’s essential to consider how fact-checkers will play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accuracy during these ... Read more
Spartacus (1960), Kirk Douglas

10 Best War Movies of All Time

The war genre has provided some of the best movies in cinematic history. Ask any true film fan what their ten favorites are, and, more often than not, a war ... Read more

Broke Aesthetic: 20 Things Rich People Ruined for the Middle Class

There are plenty of trends that used to be mostly popular among the low-middle income people that changed when they became popular with rich people. Whether it is a band, ... Read more

15 of the Most Quotable Movie Lines

Honestly, movie comebacks are usually the best comebacks. That might be because they’ve had a team of writers carefully writing and rewriting them for hours before they’re filmed, but we’re ... Read more

10 Great Movies We’ve Loved Lately

Have you been dying to share your opinion about the last good movie you watched? We all have those movies that stay with us long after they’ve ended, the ones ... Read more

16 Things to Avoid When Traveling to Europe

Are you hoping to visit Europe soon? That’s great, but be mindful of the cultural differences between Europe and the US. Keep a wary eye out for these things, and ... Read more

Top 10 Bands Who Gave the Best Concerts

From the Beatles’ iconic rooftop performance to Lady Gaga’s outrageous ensembles, live music concerts are an unstoppable force. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or only an occasional concertgoer, everyone has ... Read more

10 Actors Who Left a Big Role Too Soon

Have you ever watched an actor or actress leave a movie or TV show and thought to yourself, “What were they thinking?” We’ve all been there—we get invested in characters ... Read more
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