Sometimes it’s the hardest lessons in life that teach us the most. There’s nothing like being poor to teach you the power of being frugal and how to make ends meet on less.
From the day we set foot in America, my mother knew exactly what she had to instill within me and my sister about the importance of financial discipline.
Every time we bought something, every time we wasted money going out for fast food, my mom repeated the same few lines of wisdom to us about how crucial it is to handle your money correctly.
For my sister though, it was a different story. Everything from make-up to clothes to electronics, she had to have it all. It didn’t matter if it was her money or my parents’.
One would think that once an older sibling falls into that route, the younger one will follow suit, but not me. So, I took her mistakes as a personal lesson and vowed to never let myself turn into her.