Between buying presents, hosting parties and getting together with friends, it's easy to lose track of where that money is going. That thing is real, you know, and it's no fun.
Here are 10 holiday budgeting tips I want to share with you to better track your expenses and still prioritize what's necessary.
1. Set a Budget for the Holiday
Write down the amounts of money that you plan on spending, and how much money is left over. That will give you a clear picture of what you can spend.
2. Start Holiday Shopping Early
While searching out sales and bargains is fun, it's best not to wait until the last minute in order to get started.
3. Save Money by DIY-ing Gift
You'll find that most people appreciate DIY-ed presents just as much. You can also give these gifts out to your coworkers, teachers and even neighbors.
4. Buy Presents Online
While convenience typically comes at higher prices, there are some online retailers who have worked hard to keep their costs low so you can enjoy lower prices as well.
5. Shop at Thrift Store
You can buy all sorts of name brand items from these stores for mere pennies where they would normally cost 5-10 times more.