How to Pay Off Debt Quickly: Two Strategies to Motivate and Save

Even if you can find the extra money in your budget, how do you stay motivated to pay off debt every single month? How can you pay your debt off quickly so you don’t fall back into that trap?

I’m going to show you how adding just $25 a month to your debt payoff will save almost ten grand in interest and take years off your payments.

Playing Games with Your Debt to Get Free

Playing some games with your debt payoff can save you tens of thousands and ditch your debt years ahead. Adding just $25 a month to your debt payoff will save you almost 8,400 and more than two years of payments.

How the Debt Snowball Method Saves You Money

The debt snowball method is more popular and for good reason, it’s going to save you the most money. Read on to learn how the debt snowball method works.

How the Debt Snowball Method Saves You Money

You list out all your debts, write out the amounts and interest rate for each. Then you arrange these from highest rate on top to the lowest rate.

How the Debt Snowball Method Saves You Money

You continue to make all your normal payments but you make any extra payments to the one or two debts on the top of your list, the ones charging the highest interest rate.

My Favorite Debt Payoff Strategy for Motivation

Here instead of listing your debts by interest rate, you list them by amount owed from lowest to highest. With this method, you make extra payments to the smallest debts first.

My Favorite Debt Payoff Strategy for Motivation

Because you’re paying off these more expensive debts faster, you’re saving money on that interest.

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