Stop Saving Your Life Away and Do This Instead

Why making more money will make you happier and help reach your goals faster than just saving?

Personal finance blogs love to talk about budgeting and saving money. I do it…a lot. But is spending less really going to get you to your financial goals? How much can you realistically save?

How Much Less Can You Really Spend?

The average family spends $55,944 according to the survey which only leaves $4,500 for saving. That’s not nearly enough for retirement.

There are some easy places to cut like eating out and entertainment. You could save another $3,890 a year…and be completely miserable. 

How Much Less Can You Really Spend?

How to Make More Money instead of Spending Less

On just five hours a week, you can save an extra $7,500 a year to add to your regular savings. That brings your nest egg up to $1,036,498 and a monthly income of $2,936 in retirement from just one person working a side hustle.

How to Make More Money instead of Spending Less

The first side hustle most people try is freelancing. That’s where you offer services or coaching from home, usually in a topic in which you’ve worked for a while. 

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