Did you hear Facebook recently changed its algorithms? Today’s guest post by Janice Wald has a few ideas on how to make money blogging without having to rely on Facebook.

People are speculating the only way to get online attention going forward is to pay for Facebook ads.

Where are you supposed to get the money for this increase in your blogging bills?

Where are you supposed to get the money to pay any of your blogging bills?

I’ve had bloggers write to apologize for canceling my blogging tips newsletters; they could no longer afford to blog.

I’ve had bloggers disappointed they couldn’t move to a self-hosted site; they could not afford the monthly overhead.

Other bloggers shared with me they couldn’t afford newsletter services and premium plugins they longed to purchase.

Where are you supposed to get the money to maintain your blog?

Do you want to make money blogging?

You’ve come to the right blog post.

These money-making tips should help you monetize your blog. This article will explain 21 ways to monetize. Hopefully, this post will contain some monetization strategies you’ve never thought of.

By the end, not only will you have 21 ideas, but you will know whether or not you’re truly serious about monetizing your blog.

This post will also contain mistakes you need to avoid making when trying to make money blogging.

tips to make money online blogging

How to Make Money Blogging

  1. Activate has campaigns where you are matched with a sponsor.

  2. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways bloggers make money according to the 2018 Blogger Survey
  3. Affiliate marketing by making Pinterest boards. When someone buys a product, you get paid! Lily Seymour explains how to change the links to go to Amazon.
  4. Blog marketing Sell your readers your product or service.
  5. Content marketing Package your content and sell it online. You could create and sell your cheat sheets or printables.
  6. ContentMart and other sites are constantly looking for paid writers. Also try the ProBlogger job board.
  7. CostMentor.com is also looking to pay writers. The writers at this site are paid per view.
  8. Create and sell a course. Check out Udemy, the bloggers’ marketplace, to sell your course.
  9. eBook publishing. Many writers sell their ebooks online using the Amazon Kindle Program. You can find designers and other professionals from Fiverr to help with putting the book together, formatting and cover design.
  10. Freelance writing Freelance sites like ProBlogger and Upwork are great places to get freelance writing gigs. Blogger Anil Agarwal claims, “I think becoming a freelance writer is the fastest way to make money from a blog.”
  11. HubPages is a revenue-sharing site that pays its writers.

  12. Instagram monetization. Instagram has many monetization opportunities.
  13. Join a Job Board for bloggers.

  14. Make money through Pay Per Click advertising. Google Adwords and Media.net are popular services. [Read: Media.Net Will Make You See What Advertisers Want: Money]

  15. Remote.com will match your skill set with employers.

  16. Rent space in your sidebar for banner ads

  17. Sell your Instagram account.
  18. Steemit is a revenue-sharing site that pays its writers.

  19. Test products online and get free samples in the mail.

  20. Tweet and get paid

  21. Virily is a revenue-sharing site that pays its writers

How NOT to Make Money Blogging

A Facebook group tried to figure out why people did not buy online. What stopped the potential consumers from purchasing?

Here were there responses:

I wouldn’t buy if there were too much description. I’d stop reading.

I wouldn’t buy if the price were too high

I wouldn’t buy if I could get the same items for free.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, according to monetization coach Mi Muba, there are three criteria you should be able to meet if you are truly serious about making money blogging. These criteria all have to do with your mindset.

  1. Do you keep thinking about blogging? Why is this important? If you’re not focused on blogging, you certainly won’t be focused on making money from blogging.
  2. Do you enjoy blogging?  Why is this important? You should enjoy blogging before attempting to make money from blogging.
  3. Do you dream of making big money with your blog? Why is this important? People feel you have a greater chance of reaching your goals if you can envision yourself already meeting them.
  4. I will add a 4th criterion: Do you have a plan for monetizing? Why is this important? You should have a monetization strategy you follow.

First, embrace the mindset that blog monetization is possible. Then, make a plan to go about achieving your goal of making money from your blog.

I once read articles written by a different blog monetization coach. She asked her readers in each article what they had done that day to reach their goal of making money from their blog.

I repeat “each day.”  At first, I scoffed at this repetition in her articles. Then, I started asking myself each day what I had done to reach my monetization goals, and I became focused on achieving them. I will ask you: What have you done to reach your monetization goals today?

If you were able to answer “yes” to all the four questions, then congratulations; no one can stop you from earning money with your blog.

Author Bio: Janice Wald is an author, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a blogging coach. She blogs at MostlyBlogging.com where she shares tips for bloggers and marketers. Follow her over to Mostly Blogging for tips on blogging, SEO, social media, productivity, blogging tools, and monetization.

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