Don’t Get Left in the Pet Insurance Doghouse: 6 Tips For Buying the Right Plan

Those commercials are hard to ignore. Between the cute puppies and kitties frolicking in the meadow, you almost can’t help but feel guilty for not having pet insurance.

But how do you know if you’re buying the right policy? And what happens if you wait too long and your pet gets sick or injured? Don’t worry – we’re here to help!

In this post, we’ll give you tips for buying pet insurance that will help make sure your furry friend is taken care of.

What is Pet Insurance?

Most people are familiar with health insurance for humans, but you may be wondering if there’s such a thing as insurance for pets. The short answer is yes!

Pet insurance helps cover the costs of veterinary care, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, and emergency services. Medication and surgeries can also be expensive, and pet insurance can help to alleviate the financial burden.

There are a variety of pet insurance plans available, so it’s essential to do your research to find the one that best meets your needs. Whether you have a dog, cat, or another furry friend, pet insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that you have prepared for anything.

The Importance of Pet Insurance

Just as human health insurance protects us from expensive medical bills, pet insurance does the same for our furry friends. Pet insurance covers unexpected veterinary costs, such as emergency surgery or cancer treatment, for a nominal monthly fee.

Pet insurance also covers routine care, such as vaccinations and regular check-ups. This can be a lifesaver for pet owners who want to provide their pets with the best possible care but cannot afford the total cost of veterinary care.

Of course, no one wants to think about their pet getting sick or injured, but it’s important to have a plan in place in case it does happen.

Pet insurance is one way to prepare you and your furry friend for whatever life throws your way.

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

Pet insurance works similarly to human health insurance in that it helps cover medical care costs. However, there are a few key differences. For one, age and breed can play a role in determining premiums.

Additionally, pet insurance typically doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions, grooming, breeding costs, and non-veterinary care spends. As a result, it’s crucial to enroll your pet as early as possible and keep up to date on their vaccinations and check-ups.

Most importantly, please read the fine print before signing up for a policy to ensure it’s the right fit for your furry friend.

Types of Coverage

In the United States, there are three types of pet insurance: accident-only, comprehensive, and wellness. Accident-only pet insurance covers, well, accidents. So if a car hits your dog or your cat swallows a foreign object, accident-only pet insurance will help cover the medical bills.

Comprehensive pet insurance also covers accidents, but in addition, it covers illnesses and routine care. Wellness pet insurance is similar to comprehensive pet insurance but focuses more on preventive care, such as vaccinations and routine check-ups. In addition, a few supplementary coverage options get added to basic pet insurance plans, such as dental coverage and death benefit coverage.

When it comes to pet insurance, there are many options to choose from – but no matter what type of coverage you select, you can rest assured knowing that you’re helping to protect your furry friend.

How To Choose the Right Provider

When it comes to choosing a pet insurance provider, there are a lot of factors to consider. First and foremost, you want to ensure that the provider you choose offers coverage that meets your needs and budget.

Finally, be sure to ask your veterinarian for recommendations. They can suggest a pet insurance provider that they’ve had good experiences with in the past. Take enough time to research and be confident that you’re choosing the right pet insurance provider.

Here are six tips for buying the right pet insurance plan:

1. Know what type of pet you have. Not all pet insurance plans are created equal – some cover only dogs or only cats, while others offer coverage for a variety of animals. So make sure you select a plan that covers your particular type of pet.

2. Check out the provider’s credentials. Not all pet insurance providers are created equal; some are more reputable than others. Do your research and ensure your chosen provider is reliable and has a good track record. You can check out online reviews on the best pet insurance companies to understand how other pet owners feel about a particular provider.

3. Consider your budget. Some plans are more expensive than others, so make sure you find one that fits your budget. (There’s no need to break the bank to insure your pet!)

4. Read the fine print. This is especially important when it comes to deductibles and exclusions. Make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered by the plan before you sign up.

5. Compare rates. Like other types of insurance, it pays to shop around and compare rates before deciding on a plan. You can find a better deal by comparing different providers.

6. Don’t wait until it’s too late. The best time to buy pet insurance is when your pet is healthy and young – premiums tend to be higher for older pets, so it’s important to get coverage sooner rather than later.

How Pet Insurance Costs Are Determined

When it comes to pet insurance, there are a lot of factors that go into determining your actual costs. For example, your pet’s breed can significantly affect how much you end up paying. This is because certain breeds are more prone to specific health problems, which can drive up the cost of coverage.

Your pet’s age is also a factor, as older animals are more likely to need medical care than younger ones. The gender of your pet can also affect costs, as some insurers charge higher rates for male pets.

Finally, your location can also influence how much you pay for pet insurance. For example, in some areas, vets charge more for their services, translating into higher premiums for policyholders. No matter what, it’s important to know all the factors determining your pet insurance costs.

Pet Insurance Discounts 

There are several ways to save on pet insurance, but one of the best is to take advantage of discounts. Most pet insurers offer discounts for multi-pet households, neutering, and loyalty. One of the most common pet insurance discounts is the multi-pet discount, which can save you up to 10% off your premium if you insure more than one pet.

Another popular discount is the preventive care discount, which rewards policyholders for taking steps to keep their pets healthy. This could include anything from routine vaccinations to regular check-ups with the vet.

Finally, many pet insurers offer loyalty discounts for customers who stay with the same company for multiple years. These discounts can range from 5-10% and add significant savings over time. So if you’re looking for ways to save on pet insurance, ask about discounts. You’ll be able to find one that fits your needs.

How Much Are Dog Owners Spending?

On average, dog owners spend $730 a year on their pets. According to a Forbes Advisor survey of 5,002 U.S. adults who own dogs:

  • Almost 40% of respondents said they spend $200-$499 annually on their dogs.
  • The majority of people, 41%, said they spend between $500 and $1,999 a year.
  • Only 8% of dog owners say they spend more than $2,000 yearly on their dogs.

47% of dog owners said they spend the most money on dog food, 28% said their top costs were vet bills and vaccinations, and only 10% said most of their pet spending goes to treats and toys.

Most Insured Pet Breeds

The most insured pets are medium and large mixed breeds (22.4%) and domestic shorthair cats (52.5%), based on pet insurance data from Among dog breeds, Golden Retrievers (4.3%), Goldendoodles (3.9%), and German Shepherds (3.5%) were the most commonly insured, based on quotes received. Siamese, Maine Coon, and Ragdoll are the three most-insured purebred cats.


Protecting your pet doesn’t have to be expensive. By investing in pet insurance, you can enjoy years of worry-free companionship without breaking the bank if your pet becomes ill or injured.

And while no one ever wants their furry friend to become sick or hurt, it’s essential to be prepared for anything. That way, if the unexpected does happen, you can focus on what matters most: getting your beloved pet the treatment they need.

More Articles From Finance Quick Fix

This article originally appeared on Finance Quick Fix.

About the Author

Olu Ojo
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Olu is a passionate entrepreneur who loves to blog on his site- frenzhub about life-saving lifestyle habits, hacks, and travel. He lives in the Western part of Canada. Olu has two bachelor’s degrees in Veterinary Medicine and Applied Accounting with a CPA designation. He currently shuffles time between completing a Master of Business Administration degree education, Accounting professional practice, and Blogging. He has freelanced lifestyle write-ups and articles for many websites since 2010.
