How to Create an Online Course People Can’t Resist [6 Steps]

Online courses can make you thousands a month but you have to do it right and you have to know the process. That means learning how to create an online course people can't resist.

In this post, I’ll detail the six steps to developing an online class from getting ideas to getting online. 

Is It Easy to Make Money Creating and Selling Online Course?

If you don't already know, making an online course is one of the best way to make money.

You can sell your courses for as low as $10 and you can end up earning thousands with just a few courses sold.  First thing's first: What type of course should I create?

This is extremely important because once you decide on the course topic there are several things like production time, marketing efforts, revenue potential ect…   

So what types of topics are hot right now? Here are some examples:  – Making money online – Social media marketing – Blogging – Productivity tips & tricks etc…

Once you decide on the topic of your course it's time to write an outline. Outlines are used by writers, directors and producers to keep their productions organized so they can stay on task without wasting valuable resources. 

The next part is developing the production portion which varies depending on your budget but this tutorial will show you how to make a high quality course even if money is tight!

The trick with most online courses is getting your message in front of as many eyeballs as possible before competition gets too stiff. This is where building an email list comes into play!  Once the production process has been completed it's time to market and sell! 

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