Why Having a Website with a YouTube Channel is a Must for Business

Look into integrating your website with a YouTube channel or even adding a second site that features just videos online.

have a website with a youtube channel

Today, there are millions of websites on the internet and the only ones who get business from it are the ones with a YouTube channel. Why? Because having a website with a YouTube channel is like adding turbo boost to your online presence.

If you do not have one, you will be losing tons of money as well as opportunities to others who know how to take advantage of this powerful marketing tool.

Here are some reasons why you should consider having your website with a YouTube channel:

You will enjoy massive search engine optimization power by using video right from the start. 

A website with a YouTube channel will get more visitors, views and shares on the internet. By using video in your marketing strategy, you are doing yourself a favor by taking advantage of the Google search engine algorithm. This formula constantly changes but it never fails to rank videos higher than plain text contents. All you need is just time and effort into making quality video contents that can also be easily shared socially.

There are many great SEO tips that can help you rank higher in the search engine. One of these basic strategies is to create a video about your product or business.

By embedding this video into your website with optimized Title, Description and tags, you can make sure that people surfing around on Google will see your page first when they typed in relevant keywords about your business. You get even more advantage when you join and use a third party site like YouTube since it has an established reputation for hosting some of the most professional videos online.

You can save money by using video instead of photos and other elements that are usually required when building a website.

You can use video as a background for your website instead of taking photos of the product and having it staged. Video is much cheaper than hiring photographers or models to pose in your pictures.

Benefits of using video in your design: You won’t need props, lighting equipment, backdrops, studio rental fees and labor cost for editing/ post-production. You just need a camera like any smartphone with video recording capabilities and you’re ready to shoot anytime anywhere! This also means that if you are on a tight budget but still want to have a functional website right away then this is the way to go.

Video marketing trends now are moving toward shorter videos (under 2 minutes), so you don’t even need too many high quality videos unless your business is about long video production.\

Click to reserve your spot at the FREE YouTube Quick-start Webinar! I’m sharing three strategies that helped me grow my YouTube channel and double my business income. I guarantee they WILL work for you. Seats are limited for the webinar, so make sure you reserve yours.

You will be adding credibility to your brand, products or services.

You will be adding credibility to your brand, products or services with videos explaining them in detail. It is also great for showing how your business works as well as the people behind it.

have a website with a youtube channel for your products

Video marketing gives you the chance to engage with your customers and potential clients. By using video, you can show them how your products or services work in real life. It is a great way to have more credibility on what you are offering.

Secondly, it is not only the buyers that gain more trust from watching videos but also the sellers as well when they create instructional videos about their business for the public to see. This will help it establish credibility, authority and expertise since people will think twice before entrusting any online business if they cannot see real proof of experience from that seller through videos on YouTube channel.

Another thing this means is that by putting yourself out there through video, people will get to know who you are and what stance  you are going to take as an expert in your chosen field or industry.

It is one of the best ways to generate leads.

It is one of the best ways to generate leads especially from search engines as you are providing something very unique, useful and entertaining at the same time. Video is an excellent way to get targeted traffic as it has the power to grab the attention of your audience even within a short span.

It can be one of your most powerful sales tools especially if done by experts and partnered with good SEO techniques. When you create a video that answers questions from people in your niche market, you are saving them valuable time and money. A carefully placed call-to-action (CTA) at the end of every video will definitely grow your business faster when many people want to buy what you are selling but needs more convincing since they cannot physically see it first.

Your potential customers will take you more seriously when you have a product video.

Your potential customers will take you more seriously once they have seen your product in motion through a video they watched on YouTube channel. TV commercials fail to do this for most businesses out there because video marketing has proven itself twice over before audiences get bored and most of these businesses are no longer in business. 

Having a video blog will give you the chance to talk directly to your viewers while also allowing them to have a voice themselves through comments and messages. It can be entertaining for both you and the audience as it gives off that realistic vibe of connecting with someone who understands what you are talking about or has gone through similar situations regarding its topic.

You also get the benefit of being able to post as much content as possible without worrying about having too many photos or other elements that would usually require more time, money effort and resources.

One time setup = ongoing viral traffic and leads for life.

Since YouTube videos can rank so high on the search engines, your video will be easily spread across the web if you optimize it correctly.  You can even share it on your social networks, blog posts and other websites to reach a wider audience which is why it is easy to make it go viral once people start talking about it.

Video marketing has proven itself as one of the most powerful platforms for generating leads and sales through its power to connect with viewers, especially in this fast-paced society we live in today where time is precious. It allows you to connect with potential customers more closely by showing them how your products or services work from top down without having to sell yourself so hard.

Click to reserve your spot at the FREE YouTube Quick-start Webinar! I’m sharing three strategies that helped me grow my YouTube channel and double my business income. I guarantee they WILL work for you. Seats are limited for the webinar, so make sure you reserve yours.

Once you start getting good results from your YouTube channel, you may undoubtedly decide to add a 2nd channel where you only put your affiliate marketing links leading to your website. This is another way of earning residual passive income for years to come without having to worry about doing any additional work or spending any money on shows, clothes or equipment anymore!

From startups and small businesses that already have YouTube channels under their belt up to bigger corporations that are looking into expanding their market reach through video marketing (which they probably should), every business needs to consider video content at some point or another.

So ask yourself again “Why don’t I have a YouTube channel for my website?”. Take action today by creating one as it is a must if you want to exceed your goals and aspirations online.

Read the Entire Making Money with YouTube Series

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