This is my first post of blogging about blogging. Hopefully this will be useful in determining how the blog is going over time. It should also be helpful in determining what the thought process was at the time, a snapshot for review down the road.
Active Users
There are two things to note in the active users report for the year. There was a swell in both February and April. In February this is attributed to a pin gaining a lot of traction on Pinterest. In April, the traffic was some sort of botnet, so it was not a real event.
While it does not look like there is much growth in the average daily users, the period of March had about 30 average visitors in the 28 day history, and the period in June had about 70 in the 28 day active users history.
A few things to note on May VS June. Organic search dropped signifficantly. Most of the organic search in May was from Bing. The terms that that traffic came in for was on page 5 of the results. So kind of rendom that any traffic came in at all.
There was a big boost in direct traffic from May to June. This had to do with a link that was sent out on a bio line for being in a panel at a local real estate meetup.
The majority of social traffic at this point is Pinterest. In May it was slightly edged out by Facebook.
Total Income: $0.00
If you have been on my blog for very long you will notice a lack of ads, affiliate links, or sponsored posts. Given such, it may be of little suprise that there is a very low income. It is actually non-existant currently.
That does not mean I have no intent to ever earn income from this blog. It is just a reflection that my primary goal at this point is to work on writing content worth reading. Getting the tone right is a little more work than I anticipated, but I am seeing improvement so far.
Hosting: $6
Total Expenses: $6
July Goals
I am working on creation of a podcast. This likely will not be launched in July, but I would like to have a few things done by the end of July. These are picking the niche of the podcast, working on the flow of the show, and recording a few shows.
Email list
I plan to get my email list going in July. This includes setting up the list and building a signup into my content. I do not plan on setting up the actual newsletter distribution quite yet.
I have a few big posts in the works that I am excited about. Over July I plan to get back to a weekly posting schedule. To get content going again and continue growing my blog.
After about 6 months, I have written a few solid articles and got a basis of some traffic to the blog. The traffic still feels very fledgling. Revenue is nonexistant. There is lots of opportunity for growth from here though!