Why You Should Start Your Own YouTube Channel Now

With the amount of viewers staying on YouTube for longer hours every single day,  it’s no surprise that there are countless reasons why you should start your own YouTube channel, too.

Your friends might think you’re nuts, but if it’s something that interests you and it’s a good idea, who cares what other people think?

YouTube has powerfully dominated  the world of video sharing due to the amount of videos that users upload. Additionally, YouTube’s video streaming service is ranked #1 in the U.S with a number of viewers that daily surpasses other leading services such as Vimeo, Hulu, DailyMotion and AOL Video.

Why You Should Start Your Own YouTube Channel Now - man vlogging

On top of all this good news for YouTube there are plenty more great reasons why you should start your own YouTube channel:

You Can Be Anyone on YouTube

If you don’t like your current job or want to be something else entirely but don’t know how to become it, then YouTube is an awesome way to do so. YouTube allows anyone the opportunity to create their own persona and show viewers who they really are and what they think about life, society and that little thing called love.

If you’ve ever wanted to be a comedian, create cool videos of yourself playing instruments, act out scenes from your favorite movies or create videos of your own songs to play for others, YouTube is the place to do so.

You can literally be anyone on YouTube and show off what you can do with little effort. If viewers like what they see then they will subscribe. It’s that simple!

Instant Fame and Fortune is Possible on YouTube

With some YouTube channels being the home to celebrities, it’s no doubt that this is a possible opportunity for anyone who creates their own channel. The key to achieving fame on YouTube through your own channel is simply consistency.

Just keep uploading video after video with good content and you’ll eventually get noticed by the right people. Maybe not tomorrow or even next week but if you stay consistent, you just might become internet famous one day.

Click to reserve your spot at the FREE YouTube Quick-start Webinar! I’m sharing three strategies that helped me grow my YouTube channel and double my business income. I guarantee they WILL work for you. Seats are limited for the webinar, so make sure you reserve yours.

You Can Make Money from Your YouTube Channel

This is probably the greatest reason why starting a YouTube channel is such an awesome idea. While many users create videos purely out of fun, others have tried to cash in on this booming market and have created revenue streams of their own.

YouTube itself has partnered with networks such as Google or Yahoo so you can earn profits through advertisements being displayed on your videos, but there are also still big-money deals to be made by connecting yourself with companies and brands that sponsor video creators.   Their ads will then be displayed on your videos and you’ll get a portion of the profits.

Have a Great Time Sharing What You Love to Do

If you’re passionate about something, then it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to make money at it in order for it to be important in your life. Just because your channel is not a source of income for now does not mean it never will be. Just keep doing what you love and when the time comes where you can start making money off of it, you’ll be all set for your next few paychecks. 

YouTube is not just a place to share whatever random thoughts are going through your head, it’s a place where you can share what interests and inspires you the most. And if this happens to be something that brings in money, then great! If it doesn’t right now, just enjoy yourself and keep doing what you love.

Be Creative and Be Yourself in Your Own YouTube Channel

woman vlogger starting her own YouTube channel

The possibilities are endless when it comes to YouTube. While other video streaming websites tend to focus more on specific genres such as sports or movies or news channels, YouTube has videos ranging from topics like cooking recipes and DIY crafts, how-to’s and tutorials, gaming/walkthroughs and more. 

There are even social channels and networks built around YouTube, so you don’t have to just focus on one specific thing that’s popular now, you can do whatever you want with your own channel.

Start Your Own TV Show in Your Own YouTube Channel

The most important reason of all in regards to starting your own YouTube channel is simply because it’s fun for you. If the above reasons aren’t enough for you yet still won’t push you into action, then maybe this last one will. Create a show that features only what interests you; whether it be reviewing products or showing how-to tutorials, and upload it all on your very own YouTube channel!  

Whatever happens from there is ultimately up to you but at least you can say you did it and took the first step now. You have the potential to be as famous and popular as you could ever hope for.

You Can Touch Millions of People Through Your YouTube Channel

When you think about how many people are connected to the internet and watch YouTube videos on a daily basis, it’s easy to feel inspired by this massive audience.  With your very own channel, you now have the ability to create content that will eventually be watched by millions of people around the globe. 

Sounds intimidating? Don’t let it stop you—just because there are so many other video creators out there doesn’t mean they’re doing something better than what you could do yourself or make it less meaningful in any way; go out there and do whatever you want to do with the knowledge that millions or even billions of people may find value in your content one day.

You Can Be a Role Model for Others Through YouTube

Even though you may think your channel will only ever be viewed and followed by a handful of people, the truth is that those people can inspire change in others.  If you have any big dreams or interesting hobbies or passions, then being an inspiration to others is one way to make them more probable. 

Being able to share with the world what inspires you the most gives other people the chance to look up to you and learn from the things that interest you. If nothing else, at least they’ll find entertainment watching how much fun you are having!

Click to reserve your spot at the FREE YouTube Quick-start Webinar! I’m sharing three strategies that helped me grow my YouTube channel and double my business income. I guarantee they WILL work for you. Seats are limited for the webinar, so make sure you reserve yours.

You Will Find Opportunities Wherever You Look

It’s almost impossible not to find something interesting and engaging to work on when it comes to YouTube. While the standard uploads, comments and likes will be there when you update your channel, only a few of these actions will ever lead to true success; sometimes you just have to look a little bit harder for something different that might make your channel go viral.

Don’t Forget—It’s Still Just Fun!

The best part about all of this is that it’s just for fun. Whether or not you decide to start making money off of your own channel in the future doesn’t matter as much as the fact that now you have everything in place to do whatever makes you happy most. There are so many people out there who feel pressured by their parents or friends to do something more with their lives or interests, but if you want to just have fun for now then that’s okay.  

Having your own YouTube channel gives you the chance to explore your creativity in a new way and share it with others too…maybe even change someone else’s life someday down the road!

It’s time to get inspired! Whether your goal is to become a YouTube personality or just start a channel of your own for fun, those things mentioned above will help you find your purpose and passion in video creation.

Read the Entire Making Money on YouTube Series

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