Do you ever get irritated over the tiniest things? We all have those moments where we get irrationally angry over the smallest things. Maybe it’s someone talking over you in a meeting, or somebody not holding the door open when you were right behind them. Everyone has their own little pet peeves that push them over the edge, and today, we’re going to explore some of the things that make us so mad!  So grab a cup of tea (or something stronger) and let’s start venting about all those small annoyances that drive us crazy.

1. Constant Reminders

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One user posted, “Someone telling me to do something just when I was going to do that without reminding. Edit: to those who relate but don’t understand why, copying my another comment for ya:

‘When you force yourself to do something you don’t want to, it’s the result of working on yourself. An accomplishment that’s already usually unseen and unrewarded. And when she’s just about to do it and be proud of herself, you remind her and take away the credit for her self-improvement. And she’d rather not do it at all, than make you believe that it was because of you, not because of her. She thinks that if she lets you believe that, you’ll think that without you she’s lesser, although in fact, she was just about to be greater on her own. It’s a petty thing, but it hurts. Remaining status quo (you remind me as usual, she doesn’t do as usual) is less painful than erasing her small but important accomplishment. She doesn’t want to need a warden with a whip to be a better self.’”

One replied, “And in the same vein, when someone uses the shower when you were mentally juuust about to.” 

2. Stopping in the Middle of an Aisle

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One user shared, “When people stop in the aisle and don’t go any further.” One replied, “So all people in any grocery store ever…. They need to [get out my way].”

3. Kids Wide Awake When You’re Tired

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One user posted, “Me getting home from work, and my kids are awake. For context, I work nights and get off at 5 a.m., and my wife works at 5:30. It’s not immense anger, just tired anger because everyone else is fresh and awake and I’m exhausted. That 1 hr couch nap is a blessing if I can get it. Sick of daycare [costing] more than a mortgage.”

Another replied, “That’s awful. There’s no way your wife can keep the kids away from you in the morning? Or get a job and help pitch for daycare?” 

“Already said they both work opposing shifts so they can cover the kids. Which means dad’s tryna sleep when the kids are at their rowdiest,” one user responded. 

4. Chewing with Their Mouths Open

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One Redditor commented, “People who chew with their mouths open and make smacking sounds. Especially when they do it on purpose just to annoy you.”

Another user added, “I have this friend, love him to death. But my god, is he the most oblivious dude I’ve ever met in my life. He’ll talk to you as we’re both walking, but he won’t just look straight on and talk; he’ll turn his whole body towards you and walk backward to look at you while he’s talking and bump into everybody. He then proceeds to get annoyed about people getting annoyed at him for not looking in the direction he is walking. So naturally, he’s an open-mouth eater. He’ll talk with his mouth full, he’ll laugh with his mouth full, and he’ll chew food in the widest open-mouthed motion you’ll ever see. It’s super, super gross. Like I said, I love the guy. He’s a super nice dude in general. But I can only handle him in small doses.”

5. ‘Baby on Board’ Signs on Cars

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A Redditor commented, “For some reason, I hate seeing ‘baby on board’ signs on cars- I don’t understand why they need to tell me- I value every person’s life and wouldn’t want to put an adult at risk any more than a baby.”

One replied, “The reason those stickers are in place is because if that person gets into a car accident and paramedics need to rescue people from the vehicle—they know there’s a baby, and the baby is going to take priority. ALSO, as someone with a baby who drives a lot, having other drivers behind me know why I’m going extra slow over speed bumps and all that is good. Because there’s a lot of impatient/road rage-y drivers who try to bully people into going faster.” 

One added, “Idk if this is true, but it’s what I always heard… They’re to let first responders know there is at least one child in the vehicle in case of a horrible accident.”

6. Not Using Turn Signals

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One user shared, ”Not sure this is irrational, but I lose it when people don’t use their turn signals. Had someone (right lane) cut in front of me (middle lane) to get over to the left turn lane with no signal, and leaving barely a couple feet between us, basically getting over at the last second. Like you couldn’t just slow down and get behind me when there was nobody there blocking you? Driving in general pi***s me off when I see people doing stupid [things].” 

7. Mumbling

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One Redditor posted, “People who mumble and talk really softly. I’m not in any way hard of hearing. Speak up. In security work: people who fill calls to us with stupid extraneous details or can’t be clear. Just give me the facts. What happened, where, and when. When I talk to the cops, it’s the same job for me. This happened, this happened, and then this happened. At 12:15. They left that way. We have footage. No bs.

People being cheapskates, especially if it’s over really trivial things or trifling amounts of money. I don’t mean people who actually don’t have money; if you’re on a tight budget, that’s fair enough. But folks who get really a- about bill splitting or find scammy ways to get discounts. You’re a sad, petty person.”

8. Poor Grammar

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One user shared, “When people say things like ‘I could care less’ instead of ‘couldn’t care less’, or ‘I can’t be asked’ instead of ‘can’t be a**ed’. It makes no sense when you say it wrong, and it makes you sound like [totally ignorant].” 

9. Know-It-Alls

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One user shared, “People who like to correct everything you do—people who interrupt you because they don’t like your points, then cry when you do it—people telling you to do something while you’re clearly doing that thing.”

10. Leaving Shopping Carts

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One Redditor posted, “Leaving shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot, or not even bothering to try and stack them correctly in the cart return. I always stop and organize the carts if I see a messy cart return, so it’s a little easier on whomever collects the carts.”

Source: Reddit.

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