Have you ever watched a film for kids and thought it was more a horror flick than a children’s bedtime story? There are a ton of them. After someone polled the internet, these were the top-voted responses.

1. Coraline (2009)

Photo Credit: Focus Features.

Coraline. It’s not even a horror movie for kids. It’s just a horror movie,” someone said. Another confessed, “When I was a young kid, I watched that movie and then had nightmares about my parents having spinning button eyes.”

2. Gremlins (1984)

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Gremlins,” replied one. “They’re the reason they invented the PG-13 rating. Too scary/violent for little kids. Perfect for tweens and teens.” “Okay, I’m glad I’m not alone with this! I was terrified when I was a child,” another admitted. “I came here to say Gremlins. It was not good for eight-year-old me.”

3. Monster House (2006)

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

One person said, “Monster House. I couldn’t watch it as a kid because I grew up in a massive old house. It made me scared that our house was going to eat us. So I watch it now at Halloween every year. But it still makes me just a tad uncomfortable.”

“I couldn’t finish that film when I was younger. So soon as I saw the scene where the guy sees his kite in the house and disappears, I ran away, crying,” another confessed. 

4. Jumanji (1995)

Photo Credit: TriStar Pictures.

Jumanji with Robin Williams was pretty scary for me as a kid. The monkeys were the most terrifying. I’m still not thrilled to watch it as an adult,” replied one. “When they’re melted into the floor and had the giant spiders marching towards them!? I had nightmares about that for YEARS,” another confessed. 

5. Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (1998)

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

One Redditor volunteered, “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island was terrifying. “In Scooby-Doo Where are You? The episode about the lady turning into a cat creature scared the heck out of me as a kid. Something about that one,” another added. 

6. All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)

Photo Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios.

Someone nominated “All Dogs Go to Heaven.” A second person agreed, “For real. That Hell dream was terrifying!” Finally, a third stated, “Unexpected but perfectly fitting. I watched them around age 17 and was uncomfy part of the time!”

7. Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)

Photo Credit: Touchstone Pictures.

Ernest Scared Stupid is the correct answer. It terrified me as a kid,” one admitted. “I am definitely with you. It scared the heck out of me. I didn’t think I’d see this movie in the comments, but this is the answer.” “Is this the movie where people turned into wood? Cause that movie was horrifying,” another suggested. 

8. The Brave Little Toaster (1987)

Photo Credit: The Walt Disney Company

The Brave Little Toaster is my first thought,” shared one. “YES!” another exclaimed. “Made me terrified of vacuuming the power cord.” “The air conditioner terrified me the most,” a second person confessed of this underrated Disney film.

9. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

“The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder. Everything about that movie should be enough to screw up any kid’s weekend,” someone suggested. Another exclaimed, “The tunnel scene. Yikes! I still hate this scene, and I’m in my forties!”

10. Return to Oz (1985)

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Pictures

Return to Oz. Even watching it as an adult, this is one disturbing movie,” replied one. “The worst scene is where Dorothy has to sneak into the hall of heads. It’s built like horror.” Another added, “The Wheelers were nightmare fuel. And that was one of the movies we’d watch in school once a year.”

Honorable Mentions: Little Monsters (1989), The Witches (1990), and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988).

Source: Reddit.

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