Is there anything spookier than the night shift? For truckers, it’s all about being alone on the dark highway for hours, surrounded by miles of blacktop and open land or forest, with only energy drinks to keep you company. You never know what might come your way—wildlife searching for shelter, strange hitchhikers, or even something…unexplained. Redditors who have made a career of rolling down these shadowy back roads share some mysterious experiences that beg one question: what spooky things have their headlights uncovered? 

Join us as we explore their stories from behind the wheel!

1. Burning Car

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One Redditor shared that they were driving late at night in summer fog when they smelled burning plastic. They realized up ahead that there was smoke from a cars muffler on fire. The truck driver tried to get his attention and when he drove up next to him flames went from under the car across the driver’s side window. 

The truck driver pulled over and sprinted back to make sure he was out of the car and safe, then called emergency services. The man’s phone and wallet were still inside the car so the truck driver gave him the cash he had and waited with him until the firefighter and ambulance to arrive. He was wide awake the rest of the drive. 

2. Prevented a Murder

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A user shared that while driving down a dark road they passed a Dodge Durango pulled over in a barn driveway. There was a person lying on the ground behind it, struggling with something. The truck driver decided to turn around and help but when they got closer the Durango drove away. When they drove in the driveway to turn around they saw a woman, maybe in her 40s, in a thin, torn black skirt and top. Her hair was mussed, her eye was starting to swell, she had red marks on her throat, and her lip was bleeding.

The truck driver helped her into his truck and called 911. The lady feared that the man was going to kill her and she thanked the truck driver for his help. Once the cops arrived and she was safe he drove off.

3. The Meteor

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One user posted that them and another truck driver were driving on the highway in the dark when the whole sky lit up as green as grass, and a huge fireball streaked over us. They both immediately pulled over and asked each other what that was. One of the truck driver heard on the news that it was a meteor the size of an office desk.

4. Mysteries in the Dark

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One Redditor shared they were driving in the middle of the night in pitch black when their truck broke down. They saw something moving in front of the truck and when they turned on the headlights they saw three wolves snacking on roadkill. 

While he was waiting for a mechanic, he heard something that sounded like a woman screaming and then something slammed into the side of the truck. When he looked around outside all he saw was a shadow bolt across the road. It didn’t go far from the road because the truck driver could hear thrashing around in the bushes.

After a little while the mechanic arrived and the woman screaming sound happened again. It stopped the mechanic from getting out of the car and prompted them to call the police. When the police arrived and the mechanic was working on the truck they hear the scream three more times but it was getting farther away.

The next day the truck driver checked the side of the truck and there was a dent the size of a basketball about 7 feet high. They never found out what it was and probably never will.

5. Flaming Tumbleweeds

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A user shared that they were driving in the desert at night when they saw a bunch of orange orbs crossing the highway. They soon found out that a bunch of tumbleweeds caught fire in a forest fire and were flying across the highway. The rest of the way they had to be on the lookout for flaming tumbleweeds.

6. Snowstorm in Kansas

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One user posted that they were driving in Kansas during a snowstorm. There were multiple car crashes and one car even going backwards.

7. Tiredness

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One Redditor shared that their stepfather was a truck driver and he used to drive a night with little sleep and lots of coffee. He claimed that he fell asleep while driving once and woke up three hours later at his destination. He has no recollection of how he made it there alive and without causing an accident.

8. Disappearing Rest Stop

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One user shared that they pulled into a rest stop for a break, only to find it deserted. As they explored the area they heard unexplained noises to and saw shadowy figures in the distance. The trucker driver decided to leave and discover later that the rest stop they thought they were at doesn’t exist.

9. Bizarre Radio Transmissions

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A user shared that they have experienced bizarre radio transmissions while driving through remote areas. They tuned into an eerie frequency where they heard strange voices and cryptic messages.

10. Phantom Hitchhiker

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Another Redditor shared that they were driving along a deserted stretch of highway late at night when they saw a lone figure on the side of the road, flagging them down for a ride. Feeling uneasy but sympathetic, the truck driver decided to stop. The hitchhiker got into the cab without saying a word. After a while, the truck driver glanced in the rearview mirror to find the seat empty. Shocked and terrified, they realized they might have given a ride to a ghostly hitchhiker.

11. Runaway Trucks

Truck Driver
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One user shared that while driving down a mountain road they heard a radio warning about “Flying Frenchmen” and moments later, two speeding semis approached from both sides. Faced with a split-second decision, he narrowly avoided a collision by steering towards a narrow embankment, causing his own truck to tip. Despite the intense situation, his quick thinking and driving expertise averted a potential disaster.

12. Icy Conditions

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Another user wrote that they faced a terrifying moment when descending an icy mountain. Approaching a bridge known for its slippery surface, their trailer began to fishtail, surpassing the critical 45-degree point, typically considered unrecoverable. However, miraculously, as he transitioned from the icy bridge to dry pavement, the trailer instantly straightened out, averting a potentially catastrophic situation. Overwhelmed with relief, he pulled over, emotionally processing the close call and expressing gratitude for his survival.

13. Railroad Tracks

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Someone shared that after parking for a nap, he was abruptly awakened by a train’s blaring horn. Panicking, he rushed to move his truck, but in the adrenaline-fueled confusion, he misjudged the train’s proximity. As he screamed in terror, the train narrowly missed colliding with his truck, thanks to a fortuitous track change that averted a potential disaster. The close call left him grateful for the stroke of luck or miracle that spared him from a serious accident.

14. Flying Pole

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A Redditor posted that while driving late at night, they noticed tail lights ahead and an intermittent flashing yellow light. As the yellow light approached rapidly, they realized it was a steel pole bouncing down the road. In a moment of shock, the pole narrowly missed their truck, and upon closer inspection, they realized it was one of the poles on the back of a boat trailer. The close call left a lasting impact, and whenever they see a boat trailer on the highway, they reflect on the near-miss of a potentially dangerous situation.

15. Faulty Brakes

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Another user shared that on a trip to Georgia with a load of diapers and baby wipes, they spent a day chatting with a fellow trucker carrying a full load of gasoline. In the final hours of their journey, the tanker driver alerts them that his brakes have failed. Responding quickly, they notify other truckers, and efforts are made to clear the freeway and protect surrounding drivers.

Source: Reddit.

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