Choosing a life partner involves many choices and considerations, from making sure that you have similar values, goals, and lifestyles to figuring out if you can stand each other’s habits. But what about the profession of your significant other? Would you marry a person no matter their job, or is there one profession in particular that would turn you off completely? Figuring out true love is complex enough as it is, but certain jobs can make marriage an even bigger challenge.
Read on to discover which professions Redditors consider a no-go!
1. Celebrity
One user posted, “I personally would not marry a celebrity, no matter what they do. I wouldn’t put up with the media taking an interest in our personal lives. It takes away freedom.”
Another jokingly responded, “Me either. So, Hilary Duff, if you’re reading this, it’s a no.”
A third added, “Debbie Gibson, I’m willing to put up with it! DMs are open.”
One user commented, “Same goes for you, Zendaya.”
A final user said, “I have a family member who is works on the production side in Hollywood…She earns a great living, but no one would ever recognize her, except industry veterans, and she wouldn’t change that for any amount of money. She also finds most celebrities (actors anyway) to be completely insufferable.”
2. Standup Comedian
“Standup comedian. Dated one who said she wouldn’t use me as stand-up material. That turned out to be wrong after we broke up. She used a lot of personal, private details about my life for a 15-minute bit. Can’t imagine what would happen after a possible divorce,” one user shared.
Another replied, “Ya, I didn’t think of this one, but that would make me so insecure.”
“Yep. I went on a couple dates with a stand up comedian. Then I listened to one of her sets. It was almost all jokes about guys she’s dated, and very s**ual, very personal. Decided I didn’t want to become her new muse,” another user responded.
3. Divorce Lawyer
One Redditor shared, “Couldn’t marry a divorce lawyer, it’s too risky.”
Another added, “True story…I used to record commercials for a few attorneys. Mostly injury lawyers. One was a husband and wife team who used to be divorce lawyers, but they changed over to ambulance chasing because—and I quote—’divorce cases were causing us to lose our faith in humanity’.”
One user also responded, “Lol my dad is an attorney, and he stopped doing divorces too because it ‘wasn’t worth the money.’ They could have paid me double, and I still wouldn’t do it.”
“One of my dirty little secrets is that I confirmed that my dad is a [terrible person] because he went through like 5+ divorce attorneys when he left my mom. If anyone can control the average [jerk], I figure it would be a divorce attorney. My dad must be out of this planet,” one user replied.
Another also commented, “Divorce lawyers are tough as nails. Your dad must be…whew!”
4. Restaurant Owners
One sharer posted, “Restaurant owners. You no longer have evenings and weekends to do fun couple things, or even family events easily.”
Another responded, “My ex is a line cook. Never knew when he was going to get off work and also the rampant drugs and alcohol.”
“I’m a chef and that sounds about right, unless you work in Hospitality, avoid it,” one commenter confirmed.
One Redditor posted, “I’ll also add ‘Small Business Owner,’ particularly one with a brick & mortar location. My wife’s best friend and her husband own a sports-related store, and it takes up 90% of their waking time. They are active in the community to promote the store and heavily use FB and IG to further promote the business and announce events, giveaways, etc. They’re doing well for themselves, but the business and sport it serves is the only single thing they talk about now. My wife and I haven’t had a simple ‘couples night’ out with them in years because their free time is mainly spent promoting the business or going to outings with their ‘sports’ family.
“I know it sounds bitter, but it isn’t. I’m truly happy for them and it works since they both own the business. However, I couldn’t be married to my wife’s best friend or someone like that. In the ongoing quest to hustle, there isn’t a single minute to step back and enjoy life.”
5. Politicians
One user posted, “Politicians.”
Another replied, “As someone who works in Congress, I 100% support this comment.”
One commenter asked, “Are you yourself a politician or a staff worker?”
The Redditor replied, “The current Head of Congress.”
The other one answered, “Kevin McCarthy, is that you?”
6. An MLM Sales Person
One user posted, “An MLMer/Pyramid schemer/Multi Level-Marketer/Network-Marketer.”
“Are they still a thing? I haven’t really seen them around since COVID,” another added.
One Redditor exclaimed, “They’re easy to avoid if you don’t use Facebook or Instagram.”
Another commented, “They are unfortunately still around and preying on vulnerable people.”
A final user added, “I had this one person trying to sell me perfume when I was in hospital after having spinal surgery, and another person approached me to buy this thing called Healy, which they claim is a medical device that can help with a variety of different things… in my case chronic pain and anxiety. Such trash.”
7. Televangelist
One Redditor posted, “Televangelist.”
Another commented, “Looking into the eyes of Kenneth Copeland made me realize what someone without a soul looks like.”
“Oh mah god, I clicked on it and made myself gag. Thanks a lot. One had an eye on it!” another replied.
One user responded, “Thx for the nightmares.”
8. Crypto pusher
An online user shared, “A Crypto pusher. One of my colleagues is dating one of those guys, and I keep seeing his updates on FB that she shares, along the lines of: ‘Living my best life!!!! #CryptoMillionaire #WhatAreYouWaitingFor’ It’s cringe and sounds like a total scam. To be clear, I don’t have an issue with Crypto, I have an issue with those eye-roll people.”
One commenter defended them, “Hey, if he’s made millions, you can’t doubt him. It’s largely a game to me, but I’m ok with that. It’s a game I enjoy, though. And better odds than a casino—there’s no House. Kind of the point. I do think it has potential to be more of a reflection of the economy, just like gold. I could go on and on. I get excited about it. It gets me to not quit my job, which I kind of hate. I’ve learned to keep it to myself, though. I had a FWB last year that she was not down with when I brought it up. But girls hate stock talk too. Unless you have something to show for it. And I hope, I pray, that maybe one day I will… Keep working hard, and maybe something could work out.”
9. Soldier
One sharer posted, “Soldier. It would mean sleepless nights, lots of time apart, and fear of losing your partner.”
One user added, “This is a sad truth….I never ever wanted to get into a relationship whilst in the service cause it was either them cheating, which I’d never do, or the partner cheating. Always…. I didn’t really wanna be cheated on.”
One Redditor said, “The only time I got cheated on was when I told my girlfriend I wasn’t reenlisting in a year. As soon as my steady paycheck was gone, she went off to find a new soldier to fool with.”
10. Psychic
Another commenter added, “Slap me back and ask ‘Why didn’t you predict that?'”
A third user responded, “’I’m going out with the boys tonight.’
‘I had a dream. You can’t go. Stay back.’
‘What happened?’
‘So bad I can’t even use words to describe it; it’s awful even just to think about it. Come hold me!'”
Source: Reddit.
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