
Blown Away: 9 of the Windiest Cities on Planet Earth

Identifying the windiest places on Earth is complex, as mere averages do not necessarily capture the essence of a location’s windiness. The distinction between sustained gusts and intermittent bursts adds ... Read more

Odd One Out: 20 Common Things You’re Missing Out On

Have you ever been sitting around with your friends and heard everyone talking about something they have done that you haven’t? We’ve all experienced a certain level of embarrassment when ... Read more

Broke Aesthetic: 20 Things Rich People Ruined for the Middle Class

There are plenty of trends that used to be mostly popular among the low-middle income people that changed when they became popular with rich people. Whether it is a band, ... Read more

20 Viewpoints that Just Don’t Make Sense

We all disagree with people. The key to living peacefully and keeping a close community around you is knowing how to have empathy, listen well, and disagree respectfully. And with ... Read more

20 Things People Do That Are So Wholesome

When you think of the world today, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the negativity that saturates our news feeds and social media. But beneath all the grime ... Read more

What’s Something Everyone Finds Normal, but You Find Unusual

We’re all aware that there are vast differences in what’s considered normal around the world, and most of us have even noticed that there are differences in normal between families, ... Read more

20 Surprising Things You Wish You Knew at 21

Although our early 20’s are an exciting era full of new-found freedom, there are a lot of ways that the choices we make in our early adulthood affect the trajectory ... Read more

Will College Really Get You a Great Job?

As college tuition costs continue to skyrocket, more and more people are questioning whether a higher education is still worth it. Many argue that there are plenty of lucrative job ... Read more

Work, Home, and What Else? 15 Ideas to Find a Third Space

Do you ever feel like you’re just living your life between your home and the office? Does it get crowded feeling like home is completely your responsibility, and the office ... Read more

15 Reasons Young People Can (Sort Of) Afford a Luxurious Life

There seems to be an exorbitant number of young people posting all kinds of pictures and stories about their incredible (and expensive) travels online. And alongside that, most of us ... Read more
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