Social media has been a game-changer in the way we communicate and share information, but with its growing popularity, it has also become a breeding ground for dangerous and often life-threatening challenges. From the Fire Challenge to the Tooth Filing Challenge, these seemingly harmless trends can have devastating consequences. In this article, we explore 10 of the most dangerous social media challenges that have taken the internet by storm. Get ready to be shocked and appalled by the lengths people will go to for a few likes and views.
1. The Fire Challenge
This is an insanely dangerous one where the unfortunate participant applies flammable materials and liquids to their body and sets it ablaze with the hopes of getting clicks and likes on Social Media. This challenge is fatal due to the increased chances of severe burns and organ damage. It has almost resulted in the loss of life of many clout-chasing human beings.
2. Tide Pods
This occurrence led people to consume Tide Pods, a laundry detergent containing high levels of harmful substances that considerably harm human well-being. A recent case emerged in which a young adult consumed three Tide Pods, almost resulting in severe damage to their digestive system, requiring an extended stay in the hospital. Fortunately, this trend has waned; otherwise, more unsuspecting young individuals might have been lured into trying Tide Pods again.
3. Car Surfing
Car surfing is just as ill-advised and dangerous as the name sounds. This daring challenge involves people reclining on a moving vehicle without safety precautions. It usually finds popularity among teenagers. Unfortunately, this risky concept has resulted in numerous unfortunate accidents, resulting in significant head injuries to both the participants and unsuspecting drivers and passengers.
4. Benadryl Challenge
Yep, if the notion appears frightening, it’s because it truly is. In case you’re unfamiliar, Benadryl is a medication that alleviates allergy symptoms. The essence of the Benadryl Challenge involves individuals ingesting an excessive quantity of Benadryl with the intention of inducing hallucinations, a recognized side effect. Essentially, it involves people deliberately overdosing while being recorded, all for the sake of garnering additional attention. Nonetheless, this concept is perilous and carries significant potential for serious adverse effects.
5. Penny Challenge
The penny challenge was very popular on TikTok back in the day. It was a dangerous challenge where you would plug a penny pressed with your charger in a live socket. The challenge originated when a young girl asked Alexa for a challenge. Alexa gave her this less-than-safe response, “Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs.” Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask us.
6. Tooth Filing Challenge
This absurd challenge gained a lot of popularity on TikTok. It involved using nail files to file down your teeth in order to “make them even” This absolutely horrified Dentists as you could easily damage the nerves and blood vessels there. Some called it the stupidest trend of the Lockdown Era.
7. Salt Challenge
Participants of this seemingly harmless challenge would hide a tablespoon of salt in someone else’s food in other to prank them while they eat it. But swallowing large amounts of salt quickly can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is a dangerous prank, and we don’t recommend you try it.
8. The Nutmeg Challenge
Some of the Europeans reading this probably think this has something to do with Football, but no, it doesn’t. This challenge saw people on the internet swallowing nutmeg in order to get high. This was popular among Teenagers as most of them couldn’t legally obtain other substances. Nutmegs contain Myristicin which, when taken in large amounts, leads to nausea, stomach pain, blurred vision, vomiting, increased heart rate, and seizures.
9. Blackout Challenge
This challenge gave the world a showcase of just how uneducated about safety some kids and teens really are. In the challenge, social media users were encouraged to hold their breath until they passed out completely. This is quite dangerous and could lead to brain injury. It was also known as the pass-out challenge.
10. Nyquil Chicken Challenge
The FDA has issued a warning against a challenge that involves pouring NyQuil cold and flu medication over chicken and cooking it, claiming it to be a protein-rich cure for colds. The FDA described the challenge as both unappetizing and potentially hazardous, stating that boiling medication can increase its concentration and alter its properties.
It’s important to remember that even though social media challenges can be fun, you should always be careful of your own health and safety. These dangerous trends are not only foolish but also life-threatening. It’s crucial to prioritize our well-being and avoid engaging in challenges that could have dangerous or potentially fatal consequences. Let’s keep social media fun and safe for everyone.
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