What makes a country happy? Is it a high standard of living, social support, or a lack of corruption? For over a decade, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network has been trying to answer these questions by ranking more than 150 countries based on their citizens’ self-reported quality of life. The results have revealed surprising patterns and commonalities among the top-ranking countries. In this article, we’ll explore the top ten happiest countries in the world, their unique qualities, and what we can learn from them about creating happier societies.

1. Finland

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Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for the sixth consecutive year. Despite a slight drop in its score from the previous year, Finland still tops the list, leaving other countries far behind. To share their secrets of happiness, Finland is organizing a “Masterclass of Happiness” aimed at helping people tap into their “inner Finn” and discover the Finnish state of mind. The program includes professional coaches leading participants on a journey of self-discovery amidst the serene landscapes of Kuru Resort in the Lakeland region. The event highlights the importance of connecting with nature, slow living, and the Finnish culture of well-being.

2. Denmark

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Despite paying the highest personal income tax in Europe (almost 56 percent), Denmark remains the world’s second happiest country, with a total score of 7.586. Its secret to happiness lies in the country’s comprehensive social welfare system, which includes free education and healthcare for all citizens, regardless of income. This system promotes an equitable society where basic needs are met, contributing to the overall contentment of its people. 

3. Iceland 

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Iceland has topped the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Report and is considered one of the happiest and safest countries in the world. The country has closed more than 90% of its gender gap, making it a leader in promoting gender equality. Icelanders’ happiness stems from high income, a stable economy, a lack of corruption, generosity, free education, and a strong sense of community. Moreover, Iceland’s stunning natural landscapes, including glaciers, hot springs, and the Northern Lights, contribute to the overall happiness of its people.

4. Israel

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Israel is on the rise in the world’s happiness rankings, jumping an impressive five spots to number four—its highest position since the report’s launch in 2012. This leap can be attributed to the country’s swift post-COVID recovery, with a 6.5 percent expansion in its economy and a 4.4 percent increase in GDP per capita. But that’s not all: Israelis have strong social connections, and their high life expectancy makes them one of the healthiest and happiest societies in the world, according to data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

5. Netherlands

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The Netherlands has maintained its fifth position in the world’s happiest countries ranking with a score of 7.403. Besides its iconic tulip fields that can make anyone happy, the country’s economy is noteworthy for its resilience and robust recovery compared to other European Union countries, as highlighted in the International Monetary Fund’s latest report. Additionally, Dutch society enjoys affordable higher education, an excellent job market, a strong sense of community, and high civic engagement, all of which contribute to a sense of happiness and contentment among its citizens.

6. Sweden

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Sweden has climbed one spot to place sixth in the world’s happiest countries rankings this year. Despite recording more COVID-19 deaths than its neighboring Nordic countries, Sweden’s score is higher than last year’s. It turns out that the country’s low levels of air and environmental pollution, second only to Finland, contribute to higher life expectancy, according to OECD data. In addition, Sweden’s high employment rate and impressive gender equality (more than 80 percent) contribute to the country’s high life satisfaction levels. 

7. Norway

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Norwegians have every reason to be happy and proud of their country’s ranking among the world’s happiest nations. Tuition-free education, a high income rate, low corruption levels, and a strong social support network are just a few of the factors that keep Norway in the top 10 of the happiest countries. The country’s natural beauty is unparalleled, with fjords, mountains, lush forests, and lakes providing peaceful and breathtaking escapes. And let’s not forget about the regular sightings of the mesmerizing northern lights! In Norway, happiness is more than just a feeling; it’s a way of life.

8. Switzerland

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Switzerland might have slipped four spots in the World Happiness Report, but don’t let that fool you—the Swiss are still some of the happiest and healthiest people around! With their low crime rates, sky-high GDP per capita, and breathtaking mountain vistas, it’s no wonder the Swiss have plenty to smile about. However, that’s not the only aspect – it appears that Swiss individuals experience a significant sense of contentment when they offer assistance to others through volunteering and making charitable contributions. Therefore, whether you enjoy snow sports on the mountains or contribute to society, finding happiness in Switzerland seems quite effortless.

9. Luxembourg 

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Luxembourg may have slipped a few spots in this year’s happiness rankings, but that doesn’t make it any less delightful. Despite its small size, this country wields significant influence in both affluence and variety. Boasting a substantial GDP per capita, a strong emphasis on safety, and a solid foundation of public trust, it’s not surprising that the inhabitants radiate positivity. Additionally, given that more than half of the residents hold foreign citizenship, Luxembourg possesses a distinctive fusion of cultures that greatly enhances its general atmosphere of contentment.

10. New Zealand 

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New Zealand has maintained its position as the tenth happiest country in the world, and that’s worth celebrating! After successfully navigating the pandemic and opening up its borders, the country is experiencing a resurgence of tourism and a vibrant economy. But it’s not just the financial stability that makes Kiwis happy. With beautiful beaches, lakes, and vineyards, New Zealand offers plenty of opportunities for relaxation and adventure. Plus, the country boasts impressive rankings in education, health, and civic engagement compared to other OECD nations, making it a great place to call home.

The World Happiness Report has revealed that the happiest countries in the world are not necessarily the wealthiest but those with comprehensive social welfare systems, high levels of gender equality, a strong sense of community, affordable education, low corruption levels, and a deep appreciation for nature. These factors contribute to the overall contentment and well-being of their citizens. By focusing on the well-being of their citizens, countries can build happier and more fulfilling lives for all.

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About the Author

Dan Williams
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