Is there an actor and actress that you believed was horribly miscast in an iconic role? For example, many book lovers were not impressed with Jack Nicholson or Shell DuVall as casting choices in The Shining. After a moviegoer polled an online film forum, here are top-voted suggestions for miscast roles.

1. Kevin Costner as Robin Hood

Kevin Costner-shutterstock
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Kevin Costner – Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (1991). A moviegoer announces that countless actors have played Robin Hood on the big screen, with performances ranging from legendary to forgettable. However, for them, Kevin Costner stood out as one of the strangest choices for the role, and numerous others agreed. 

2. Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade

Humphrey Bogart, The Maltese Falcon
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon was called out as a terrible choice. “It makes the story and the character’s mannerisms not make sense.” One notes Sam Spade is supposed to be a “hulking brute” who is quietly terrifying and much more intelligent than he lets on. 

They further suggest that Mickey Rourke or Alexander Skarsgård would be cast in such a role today. “Bogart was cast at the time because he was the man of the hour, and the work suffers as a consequence of his acting and his presence.” It’s heralded as a great film noir work, but it’s painful to watch as a fan of the book.

3. Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby

Robert Redford, The Great Gatsby
Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Numerous moviegoers agree with the nomination of Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby in the 1974 version of The Great Gatsby. “He’s far too smooth and handsome for Jimmy Gatz; it ruins the movie.”

4. Keanu Reeves as Johnathan Hawker

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Keanu Reeves as Johnathan Hawker in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. As much as I love the guy, it didn’t work there. One film buff laments, “I WANTED to like him in that role, but I just couldn’t.” However, many believe part of it is overshadowed and dominated by Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins.

5. Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen

Photo Credit: Summit Entertainment.

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga. People hate the movies for many valid reasons. Still, one constantly hears “Kristin was so awkward” and nothing about how awful Rob Pattinson did. 

“Bella is supposed to be awkward. Edward is supposed to be smooth. The entire movie felt uncomfortable because Robert played Edward really awkward and miserable. I don’t think replacing him would have fixed the movie, but it certainly would have helped with the overall tone.”

6. Emma Watson as Belle

Emma Watson, Beauty and the Beast
Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Multiple moviegoers believe she nails the look, but her singing is subpar “to the point they had to autotune it, and it sounds weird.” Her acting is also “stiff and fretful,” and she lacks chemistry with the other actors, including Beast. As a result, there were better choices for the role.

7. Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon

Image Credit: Shutterstock – Tinseltown

Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code. A film fan described Robert Langdon and explained he is supposed to be Indiana Jones. A second movie buff states, “Yes. I envisioned a Dennis Quaid or Harrison Ford in that role.” Finally, a third suggests “Sam Neill” should have been cast. 

8. Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert

Image Credit: Shutterstock – BAKOUNINE

Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert in Les Miserables. A film fanatic opines several fabulous male voices that could have given you goosebumps. Instead, “we all wanted to rip off our ears, and it detracted so much from the character that we were rooting madly for the end of Stars to hurry up.”

9. Leonardo Dicaprio as Jack Dawson

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

In a controversial take, multiple agreed that Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson in Titanic was primarily miscast because he looked like a fourteen-year-old boy next to a woman in her mid-twenties. In a not-so-controversial take, everyone agrees there was room for him on the wardrobe door.

10. Gerald Butler as the Phantom

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

OK. Watch it now. I love Gerald Butler as The Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. However, others suggest that the phantom should’ve been Hugh Jackman instead. 

Source: Reddit.

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