In one of my favorite American online forums, someone asked an interesting question, Which is the one thing on which most or almost all Americans have the same opinion? Here’s what Americans are saying.

1. Loathing Telemarketers and Spammers

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Americans irrefutably cannot stand telemarketing, spam calls, and pop-up advertisements. However, one user informs the thread that these things receive indiscriminate repulsion from people worldwide.

2. Long and Inscrutable Automatic Phone Menus

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These people collectively add “long and inscrutable automatic phone menus to the list.” One further clarifies, especially the menu switching back and forth, requiring voice and keypad responses. Additionally, long gone are the days when you could press 0 to bypass it and get a live operator.

3. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

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I can’t imagine you’ll find an American who will admit to enjoying their time spent at the DMV. Oh, and you will spend time—significant quantities of sitting there waiting for your number to be called. If you have any other responsibilities for the day, you’re not going to the DMV. It is the place where time stands still, and nobody smiles.

4. The National Parks Are Phenomenal

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Breathtaking may be the better word. America has beautiful terrains, from sea to shining sea. I’m from the Pacific Northwest, one of the country’s most beautiful places. After driving the northern and southern routes from coast to coast, I’d argue it’s the greatest. However, those California Redwoods and Utah canyons were a sight. The national parks are glorious and a must-see for Americans and tourists.

5. The Westboro Baptist Church Doesn’t Represent Christianity as a Whole

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Sadly, turn on the news in other places. They might only see the Westboro Baptist bigots and incorrectly paint a picture of an entire religion. It’s unfair and inaccurate. Most Americans agree that making signs that God “hates” anything and protesting military funerals are not OK actions and certainly not representative of most churches.

6. Dolly Parton Is a National Treasure

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Americans love Dolly Parton regardless of country music appreciation or not. She has a kid’s book program called Imagination Library that gives free books to children. Others in the thread note she wrote “Jolene” and “I Will Always Love You” on the same day.

7. We Are the Best Drivers on the Road

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And I don’t mean we drive better than other countries. Instead, I agree with one American who admits that we all believe that we are the sole best driver on the road and that everyone else is a moron.

8. Politicians

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“All politicians are corrupt. But the other side is more corrupt.” This user garnishes a lot of support, as another explains, “The other side is wrong.”

9. We All Support Small Businesses

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While many agree that Americans support small businesses, I’d argue that many don’t practice it. Sometimes it’s challenging to support paying what appears to be so much more at mom-and-pop shops versus big box stores like Walmart and Costco.

10. We All Love Our Freedom of Speech

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Finally, one of the most discussed points is that Americans love our freedom of speech. While some argue it brings out the worst in people, others suggest you at least know who you are dealing with. Finally, all Americans appreciate the freedom to talk negatively about our political leaders and how badly they are failing America.

Source: Reddit.

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Photo Credit: Lightstorm Entertainment / TSG Entertainment II

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Kylie Jenner
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Image Credit: Rosebud Releasing Corporation

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