Biden Still Undecided On 2024 Run, Democrats May Start Looking Elsewhere

President Biden announced before the midterm elections that he would be waiting to solidify his 2024 presidential run until the elections concluded and he could consult with his family. He will be spending the holiday season discussing with his family whether or not he should run for re-election. He gave himself a deadline of early next year to make a formal announcement.

A New Generation

Biden turned 80 this month, and while he is still considered to be the Democrat’s best shot for 2024, many believe it is time for him to step aside so that younger generations can become the leaders in our government.

Other older Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi (82) and Steny Hoyer (83), have already announced that they will not be running for office again. Their posts, the House Speaker and House Majority Leader have now been vacated, leaving room for younger Democrats to take charge.

The White House has been adamant that Biden will be running again in 2024. The strong performance in the midterms, as well as the opportunity to go up against Donald Trump again, are probably two of the biggest factors that will go into his decision.

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Ageism or Genuine Concern?

Conservatives have consistently criticized Biden for his age and have called into question his mental capacity and overall competence as the President. However, Biden’s supporters have consistently come to his defense, arguing that attacking him and questioning his competence based on his age is unfair.

Democrats still believe that, despite his age, Biden is their best option for keeping control of the White House in 2024. Some say that Trump’s newly announced campaign will not be a significant factor in Biden’s decision to run again. Others, like Timothy Naftali, who is a presidential historian at New York University, feel differently.

“Does the country still need him to prevent another Trump presidency? I think that’s why Joe Biden ran, was to stop Trump, and I suspect that if you ask President Biden, besides [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, what are the great concerns he has for our republic, it’s going to be Donald Trump’s return,” Naftali says.

Naftali believes that Biden would be more inclined to retire as president if Trump wasn’t running again. “If Trump is no longer a major political player in 2024 and Europe is still united in defense of Ukrainian oversight — and perhaps even if the war is over by 2024 — then Joe Biden will have achieved some great things,” he said.

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New Faces

Allan Lichtman is a professor of history at American University. He believes that Pelosi and Hoyer retiring after the midterm results will not stop Biden from considering a 2024 run. “If Trump is no longer a major political player in 2024 and Europe is still united in defense of Ukrainian oversight — and perhaps even if the war is over by 2024 — then Joe Biden will have achieved some great things,”

Lichtman also claims that the last thing Democrats should want is Biden stepping aside and “having an open seat.”

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